Dyke ~::Sillie::~

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homophobic slurs

Sadie Sink was a nice girl. She was tall, polite, and skinny. But most of all, she was a lesbian. She liked girls, and girls alone. But one certain girl caught her eye. That girl was her pan best friend, Millie Brown.
"Hey, pup!" Sadie said, skipping to her crush. Millie looked over with a smile. "Hey, Carrots." Millie had bags under her eyes, and she yawned. "Did you stay up late studying again?" Sadie asked looking at Millie. "Yeah. My favourite subject." "What's that?" Millie let a smile play on her lips. "You." Sadie stopped walking and blushed. "M-me?" Millie nodded. Sadie let that Sink (wInk wOnk) in, and a smile tugged on her lips. "Oh by the way pup, a party's going on at Caleb's tonight. Wanna go? It's at 8:30." Millie chuckled and shook her head. "Sure. I'm bored and have nothing else important." Sadie squealed and side hugged Millie "Yayyy!!"

--Time skip to the party--

Millie POV

I arrive at Caleb's around 8:45 ish, nkt expecting a lot of people there. But, oh boy, was I wrong. The house was already flooded with high schoolers, and....middle schoolers? Jesus. I walk up to the house, and I see Sadie talking and laughing with Finn. A pang of jealousy hits hard, and I groan under my breath. I put on a fake smile and walk up to Sadie. "Hey, Carrots." She turns to me. "Hey, Millie." Wow. Not even a, 'pup'. She seemed irritated, probably cause I was talking to her. Finn clears his throat. "So, Sadie. You free tomorrow?" Sadie nods. "Why do you ask Finnie?" Finn smirks. "I wanna take you out. How about, Enzo's 4 o'clock. I'll pick you up?" Sadie once again, nodded. "See ya there, Carrots." "Bye, bye, Finnie~" I scoff and cross my arms. "So, I guess your nickname for Dogsoft is, 'Carrots' too?" I hiss. Sadie glares at me. "Why, you jealous of him?" I scoff again. "What if I am?" Sadie's glare grows meaner. "I will never date a dyke like, you, anyway." I freeze. My heart stops in place, and my eyes widen. "Wait, no Millie-" "Save it!" I snarl. I run from Caleb's house to a small field of green grass. I hear footsteps inching closer, and I turn around. "What do you want Sadie?!" I scream in her face. "I want to apologize!" I scoff really loud. "Why would you apologize to me? I mean, I'm just a dyke after all. What's next? Carpet muncher? Fag?" Sadie glared. "Well it's not my fault you're those things!" This is it. I inch closer to Sadie, and then after that, it's all a blur...

Hi. Should I do a part 2?
Request stuff! Thank u next


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