Chapter 9

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"Argh!" Damian yelled into his pillow for the fifth time that hour, his frustration getting the better of him. He threw the pillow across the room, getting off the bed and proceeded to pace the floor, his mind still stuck on what his mother could possibly be doing to Jason.

Luckily, he didn't have to worry too much longer for the door to his bedroom flew open and in came Jason tugging along Talia. Jason had a huge smile on his face and looked unharmed, but Damian knew the emotional damage his mother could do.

In an instant Damian scooped Jason up, hugging him tightly. "What did you do to him, mother?"

Jason let out a small giggle. "Dami, mommy is going to teach me to be a superhero like Ms. Wonder Woman and Superman! How cool is that?"

Damian had real shock on his face, although he should not be surprised his mother would pull something like this. He narrowed his eyes at Talia, subtly turning Jason away from Talia with his body. "How could you?" He hissed, unsure if he was angrier over the fact that she was training Jason or that she was training Jason and not him. "He is a child, mother."

"And so were you. If you do not like it, you are welcome to leave." Talia gestured to the door. "But I believe Jason would like to stay, don't you, Jason?"

Jason wiggled out of Damian's grip and went running over to Talia, gripping her hand. "Of course, mommy." He turned to Damian with a pleading look. "Dami, please stay. Maybe mommy can make you a superhero too!"

Damian, of course, caved. There was no way he was going to leave his brother with his mother. Talia grinned her cold smile, extending her free hand to Damian. "We are going to be such a happy little family. Come, we must eat. You must be starving Damian, you did not eat a thing earlier."

Damian grit his teeth, ignoring the rumble of his stomach. "I am not hungry."

"Dami, please eat. The food is so yummy. And you need to eat to grow big and strong, like Dickie and daddy! Oh, I miss them. Can we see them, mommy?" Jason turned to Talia with innocent eyes. "Please?"

Talia squeezed his hand as they entered the dining hall, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "After your training is complete, sweetie. For now, all you need is mommy."

Jason giggled, nodding his head enthusiastically. "I love you, mommy."

"And I, you."

Damian felt like he was going to hurl as he watched the scene play out, desperate to tear himself away from it and his mother's iron clad grip. Damian was placed in the seat next to Jason and Talia took up the spot across from them, the food already placed out on their plates. She gestured for them to start eating and that was all Jason needed to dig in. He looked over at Damian, giving him a curious look when he saw his brother wasn't eating but was merely poking his food.

"Dami, eat! It is so good." Jason shoved his fork in Damian's face and Damian wanted to resist, but in doing so would risk raising Jason's suspicions and hurting his feelings. So he opened his mouth and ate the food, surprised to find it actually was delicious and he felt compelled to eat more off of his own plate.

Talia grinned, her hands clasped together as she watched the two brothers eat the food placed in front of them. She accepted her own plate of food a moment later, eating along with her children. Jason looked up from his food and smiled at Talia.

"I want to stay with you forever mommy."

Damian laughed, feeling a bit more at ease. "Maybe not forever Jay, but we can stay until you finish your training."

Talia pat Damian's hand. "I'm glad to see you coming around, my son."

Damian smiled at her, taking her hand in his. "Why wouldn't I, mother? This place is my home."

Talia squeezed Damian's hand, reaching over to take Jason's hand as well. She looked between the two boys, the Cheshire cat grin reappearing. "Let's not fight anymore, okay? I love you, my sons."

"We love you too, mommy."

- - -

Dick was paired up with Artemis, Wonder Woman, and Flash, the group heading to Selina's house to interrogate her. They made it to her penthouse, buzzing the buzzer. The group let Dick do the talking, knowing he had the best chance of getting them in. 

"Selina? It's me, Dick Grayson. I'm here with Can we come in? We need to ask you a few questions about Damian and Jason."

There was a pause, a painfully long pause, before they were buzzed in. The group made their way up to the penthouse and when the elevator doors opened, they weren't surprised to see Selina in her costume, claws out.

"What do you want, Grayson? What's with the heroes?" She hissed. "Where's Bruce?"

"We figured he could not be objective here, so we came in his place." Dick sighed, gesturing for Selina to put her claws away. She refused. "Selina, do you know where Jason and Damian are?"

She shook her head. "Why don't you just call them?"

"Oh, I don't know, because they were kidnapped? And one of them is a five year old?" Artemis unwittingly snapped, realizing her mistake a moment too late.

"Damian is not-Jason? How did he- never mind, that buffoon would find a way." Selina sighed, retracting her claws and relaxing her position. "I do not know where the little kittens are and if I did I would tell you. Why would you assume I have them?"

"As a way of getting Bruce's attention? We know your relationship with him has been rocky as of late." Flash offered up. "Can you think of anyone who could possibly want the boys?"

Selina thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. "I'm sorry I could not be more help in finding your strays. Now, if you'll excuse me. I am going to make good work of the night now that I know Batman is...preoccupied."

Dick made a disgusted face as the others just sighed, exiting the apartment in a defeated manner, not a one of them realizing the obvious spot where the boys were.

Flash called Green Arrow, who was with Tim, Wally, Kori, and Green Lantern, letting them know the disappointment of their night.

"Yeah...I know...sure, I'll let Dick know...bye." Barry hung up, turning to Dick who had been eavesdropping on the conversation. "They didn't have any luck with Poison Ivy, which leaves us with-"

Dick shuddered. "The Joker."

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