Chapter 11

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Bruce felt his heart break in two, seeing two of his boys cuddle up with Talia and happy about it. He sighed, about to attempt to convince them to come home when Jason spoke up.

"Oh! Mommy, can daddy and Timmy and Dickie come visit to see what I've been working on? Please mommy?"

Talia's smile grew and she ruffled his hair, making Dick want to cut her hand off. "Why, I think that is a wonderful idea. What do you say, Bruce? Are you up for a little trip?"

Bruce grit his teeth, nodding his head. "Of course. Anything for you, Jay. When should we depart?"

Talia had a faux thoughtful expression on her face, her lips pursed. "Hmm, tonight. The three of you will most definitely be impressed." Jason whined and Talia cooed at him, turning back to the camera. "Well, I shall see you when the three of you arrive. Until then, my love."

The call ended.

Bruce turned to the other heroes with the darkest expression any one of them had ever seen him have. He stood up and strode towards where the plane was parked. "Dick, Tim, let's go."

"What about us?" Roy demanded, looking peeved that Bruce would even think of suggesting he sit back and watch his best friend be kidnapped by Talia Al Ghul.

Bruce turned around as he was about to board the plane. "The rest of you follow in bioship, camouflage mode. Be on standby."

And with that, the Waynes were off to rescue their youngest.

- - -

It luckily wasn't too long of a flight to the League of Assassins head quarters, and Dick couldn't be more grateful. He was getting antsy and he could tell Tim was too. Bruce was his usual stoic self but judging by his body language, Dick could see the agitation practically radiating from him.

The trio departed from the plane, standing at the foot of the white marble palace. They glanced amongst themselves before they started to ascend the stairs. Once they reached the top, the doors flung open and their stood Damian, all smiles and giggles.

Tim looked at Dick, his eyes conveying his message loud and clear.

What happened to their Damian?

Damian grabbed Bruce and Dick's hands, pulling them towards the inside of the palace. "Come on! Mommy and Jason are waiting in the dining room. You are going to love their surprise, I can just tell."

Tim followed along, eyes scanning the palace for any threats but finding none. Other than Damian's weird behavior, that is.

Damian dragged the trio down the winding halls of the marble palace, coming to a stop outside what they assumed to be the dining room.  He let out a little giggle as he knocked on the door, completely unnerving Tim.

"Come in, Damian!" Talia's voice called out, sending a shudder down Dick's body. 

The doors creeped open and they were met with the sight of Talia calmly eating at the head table, Damian running over to her side.

"Where's Jason?" Bruce growled, eyes scanning the room for his youngest son. Talia smirked, eyes glinting something unreadable before she snapped her fingers.

The doors swung shut and the trio of bats turned around, eyes bulging out of their heads when they saw little Jason standing  there in a training suit with a katana in his hands, his face devoid of emotion.

"Jay...Jason, what happened?" Tim stumbled over his words, glad he was in costume as he had a sinking feeling he was going to have to fight his way out of here.

"Jason, you know what they did to your daddy and brothers." Talia spoke sickly sweet, her eyes glowing in twisted amusement. "Sic them."

Jason dove at his family, striking at them with the katana and catching Bruce's utility belt in the process. The belt went falling to the floor with a klank, and Jason smirked ever so slightly, drawing the blade back as his family took a step back.

"Jason, we aren't going to fight you. Whatever Talia told you, it isn't true." Dick tried reasoning with the five year old, his plan back firing majorly when Jason's  eyes turned even more hate filled.

"Don't talk about my mommy." He snarled, focusing his efforts on attacking Dick solely.

Jason ran at Dick, catching his thighs with the katana. Dick hissed, going to grab the blade from Jason only for Bruce to beat him to it.

Bruce wrapped his arms around Jason's trunk, yanking the blade from his grip. Jason growled, swinging his head back to head butt Bruce. He broke free of Bruce's grip during the chaos of Bruce's broken nose, turning his attention back to Dick.

He charged once more, without the katana. He hit the pressure point between Dick's collarbones, causing his oldest brother to collapse to the ground temporarily paralyzed.

Jason looked back to Tim and Bruce, grabbing Dick's escrima sticks from his belt before charging at Tim. He hit him in the knees, sending him to the ground. Once Tim was more his height, he flipped over his head and put Tim in a choke hold, holding him there until the teen passed out.

Bruce, who was fumbling for the panic button that would alert the others waiting in the bioship to their distress, never saw the kick to the neck coming.

He grabbed hold of Jason's tiny thighs as they wrapped around his throat from behind, trying desperately to catch his breath and remove the little ninja from his throat.

But Jason was strong and resourceful.

He took the escrima stick and smashed it on one of Bruce's hands, making the man cry out in pain.

"That's for hurting my daddy." He did the same to his other hand. "And that's for hurting my brothers."

Bruce took his throbbing hands, an idea popping into his oxygen lacking brain. He pulled his cowl down, reaching up to grab Jason by the armpits and rip him from around his neck.

He held him out in front of him, gasping for air as black spots danced in his vision and Jason thrashed in his grip. "Jason...look at me."

Jason looked and gasped. "Daddy? Mommy...mommy said..." Jason looked around at the damage he caused and back at Talia, tears streaming down his face as he stopped fighting, the escrima stick falling from his grip. "What have I done, daddy? I'm...I'm a monster."

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