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I look to Natasha with worried eyes, and I can tell that she's trying to look back with comfort but instead she mirrors back my worry. Bucky places a hand on my back to try to keep me calm, but it's too late. In the few moments of anxiety, I've already decided my plan, and there's not a lot that could hold me back at this point.

I stand, making sure I stay hidden by the bushes but still getting to my feet. Natasha looks to me with a mildly disapproving look, but doesn't make a move to stop me yet. Bucky's hand slides from my back to my arm, and he holds it firmly to try to keep me in place.

"What are you doing?" He whispers, trying to keep his voice low but his emotions show through.

"I'm trailing him. Just for backup. Just in case," I respond, and Bucky shakes his head.

"No, you're not. You're staying here. That was the plan."

"Well, plans change. I'm following," I whisper, and I try to keep my voice firm to sway his opinion but his hold on my arm doesn't budge.

"Buck, let her go," Sam whispers from my left, his voice extremely quiet but reaching Bucky in an instant. I feel Bucky's hand release a little at the sound of Sam's voice, and I silently thank Sam for taking my side. With a breath, Bucky hesitantly lets go of my arm, but not before giving me a look that tells me just how much he disagrees with what I'm doing.

I walk in the direction that Pietro did, stopping next to Nat to take a look behind the bush. I take a breath and peak around the bush, and find that the area behind it is completely empty besides Pietro. He seems to know where he's going, as he's walking confidently, but there's no one else to be seen. I decide to stay next to Nat behind the bush for now, and to start moving once I see someone else or once Pietro starts talking to someone.

After a few minutes of half-sitting and waiting to move closer to Pietro, Nat places a soft hand on my leg. I turn to her to see that she's wearing an expression with a bit less stress, but the concern is still evident. Her breathing is slow and intentional, her intakes somewhat shaky but certainly not as bad as they were earlier. She opens her mouth to say something when she's abruptly cut off, and all four of us jump.


Pietro's voice rings through the silent forest, and I can't help but hold my breath and I peak my head around the bush and wait for a response. Pietro stands perfectly still, not moving any closer to the other side of the forest. It isn't until a few moments later when I see a flash of red hair from behind Pietro when I realize what's happening. I flick my eyes back to Nat and she must see the fear I'm feeling, as her eyes widen. With a quick squeeze of my arm she lets go, and I dart out from behind the bushes.

But it's just a moment too late.

In the time I took to look back to Natasha, Wanda grew closer to Pietro, still to Pietro's oblivion. In one swift movement, Wanda closes the distance between her and Pietro and I watch as her red aura surrounds Pietro by the neck and lifts him up, his legs thrashing as they reach for the ground. A hand flies to my mouth as I hold back the gasp that tries to escape my mouth, and I run as fast as I can to the pair without drawing attention. My eyes begin to blur as my breathing quickens, and I find myself only being able to focus on one thing at a time, everything moving too fast for me to comprehend.








The visceral thought burns through my mind like a wildfire, taking down every other thought instantly. I drop low to try to take cover, but it isn't until after I've done so that I realize I'm nowhere near anything that could hide me. My heart pounds as I watch the burning red hair slowly swing around, a pair of bright red eyes following.

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