XIV :: The Hunt

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Chapter Fourteen: The Hunt



"Stop!" Belle screamed. She could not believe her eyes as she stared at the scene unfolding around her. The men had dragged Raoul out of the house, his face was swollen but his eyes tightly shut.

Belle stumbled out behind them, no one had seemingly noticed her presence they were too concentrated on Raoul. Scanning the ground for some sort of weapon she felt the wind leave her lungs as a hard object slammed into her back. She was knocked to the floor a searing pain running all over her body. The man that had hit her seized the back of her he head, grabbing a large handful of hair, and dragged her to her feet.

"Devil's whore," the man spat in her ear as he ran his hands over her body.

Screaming would be pointless, who was around to hear her. Belle tried to kick backwards but her body ached and their seemed to be two of everything. Then a flash of heat erupted in front of her and all her senses rushed back. They were setting fire to the rose bushes and throwing Raoul's belongings onto on big pile.

Belle scanned the fight every man was taking a punch, slice or stab at Raoul, who they had tied to the ground. He had no anger in his eye's only sadness, Belle moved her head as much as she could to look up at the sky the moon had not yet risen but any moment now it would, and Belle was terrified at what that would bring.

Behind her the man carried on jeering his hands now grouping her breast. Her eye's locked with Raoul and in that moment, they turned a shade of black. He took a hold of the arrows that had him bolted to the ground and pulled them free of his body the ropes slacking around him instantly. The man who had been punching him staggered back but not in time as Raoul's hands clenched around his neck. For what felt like an eternity his hand did not move but it elongated, the bone's angling and the nail's sharpening, the man stared at Raoul's face as it darkened, the beast finally showing an appearance. The man screamed but it turned into a gurgling sound as his throat was ripped away from his body. Blood seeped everywhere as the man fell to the ground his eyes open in terror and anguish.

Raoul did not let his act of surprise slip past him he grabbed the men around him and pushed past the ones brave enough to attack him. Belle realised in that instant he was heading for her, the man who had his arms around her hand not noticed the sudden change in power and was surprised when his hands were no longer a part of his body. Belle was in Raoul's arms and staring at the gashes in his back and arms that were healing before her eye's.

"He's un-killable," one of the boy's shouted.

"Just leave and not one has to die, just go!" Belle shouted her voice breaking as she tried to mask her fear. The men who had been near their injured comrades began to turn on their heels and the others would have followed if not for the surprise company.

"Let us remove his head and see how he fairs then!"

Belle heard that oh so familiar voice and gasped. Nicholas sat on his horse surrounded by another load of angry villagers, with more weapons and fight. He sat with his sword outstretched his normally neat hair falling over his bloodshot eyes. She had driven him to this, she had made him into a monster so far from his own self she could barely recognise him.

Raoul pushed Belle aside and clicked his neck his face stretching out in a black muzzle, his nose twitching with anticipation. The beast only seemed to overtake half of his body, his hands and legs were animal like but the rest of him stayed human, he looked more like a daemon then, than he ever had. But it was the pain in Raoul's eyes that caught Belle more than anything else, he had no choice but to sacrifice himself or kill his own brother.

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