XV :: A New Era

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Chapter Fifteen: A New Era



The carriage swaged from side to side, the wheels spinning on the muddy road. The sun was just touching the sky and a spread of red and yellow submerged the fields. The rain had stopped, leaving the ground drenched in puddles of water that sparkled with the sun's light. A low mist lay across the fields and as Belle gazed out of the small confined window of the carriage a sense of sadness engulfed her. How could a new day be so beautiful? After the events of last night Belle could not ever see the darkness leaving.

Sébastien sat opposite her, papers piled beside him and his eyes reading over a letter that sat upon his lap. He had changed from his wet clothes as soon as they had reached the next village, the boarding house had been so peaceful that Belle's life had felt like a dream. All of Sébastien's clothing and belongings had been waiting for him at the loggings so Belle now wore a man's shirt and some old breeches that possessed holes in the most unfortunate places. A large ridding jacket lay loosely over her shoulders, warming her shivering body. Sébastien had called for a carriage as soon as Belle had been able to stand by herself. The owner of the boarding house had been barely asleep when they had arrived and his reluctance to lose two customers had been obvious but once Seb had placed two silver coins in his pocket the man had been more than accommodating to their every whim. She had not cared for the un-approving looks she had received when coming down in men's attire, her head had been far to lost for such trivial matters.

Sébastien looked up from his papers, studding Belle's face like he was still reading the pages of his books. A red rim ran around her eye lids and large dark circles sat under her eyes, giving her face a hallow dead appearance. She had not spoken, only a gently nod in answer to any question he put forwards. Belle life appeared to be draining from her body as the minuets passed, it was painful to witness. Placing a hand on her knee, Seb leaned forwards the letter on his lap falling to the floor.

"Belle?" he whispered, not wanting to shatter her.

She turned her face towards him the white of her eyes bloodshot as she held back the tears that she did not allow to drop. She said nothing, her cold stare fixed on Sébastien, not wavering for a moment.

The carriage leapt to the side and stopped. Seb glanced out the small window and leapt up his mind remembering what he had forgotten. A giant stately house stood looming above the carriage, its giant stone columns held up its triangular roof, the front doors were dwarfed by the height of the walls and as Sébastien climbed out of the carriage he felt like an ant among a giant.

Belle watched as he walked across the gravel road and up the mightily steps, the house was more of a castle than a home, it belittled the Lyon mansion and as Seb vanished among the columns the distance and loneliness settled in. A home was something so precious, she had had a chance of having a home but living in a house of this size would be like losing your identity. How could you make it your own? Forever wandering the halls like a lost thought trapped in the many corners of your mind. Such insignificance you would feel among the belongings that should comfort you, any person subject to that kind of life would possess a cold heart.

A sudden flurry of servants came trailing down the steps, cases and trunks in hand, they placed these travel cases up upon the carriage and once they ran out of room another appeared the carriage adapted to hold only luggage. Belle watched on with little interest her eyes following lazily the actions of the people who seemed to not notice her existence. It was only when Sébastien appeared again, his face slightly flushed and an amused smile again gracing his lips did Belle show a flicker of interest. He opened the carriage door – a whisk of cold air entering the cabin.

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