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After yesterday with almosted kissing Tobi I know Simon will be keeping a closer eye on us and it's safe to say that we will not be having a date out of ethier are apartments. Or at least until we are officially together so if the fans take pictures it's not a big or a shock.

I got up out of my bed to get dressed in to a white cropped t-shirt with black Sidemen leggings and my black Adidas Trainers. I put my hair in a low pony as tonight I going to get my hair done.

I walk out of my room to see no one out in the kitchen living room. So I make the most of it by getting my cereal and watching Netflix on the TV as Simon or JJ are normally doing this. I put on friends and start sitting there waiting for the time to leave and get my four hours done today. As I have to do my YouTube in the afternoon. For the video I a going to get Talia to teach me to sing on her channel and on mine we might do a bit of a mustang. Maybe Gee and Freya will join us.

I drove to work and of course I was the first at work it's so early. Soon Freya and Lewis got here and work really started. There were so many files for me to sort out about all the products and every countrys. I don't love doing all but its want I could do along side my YouTube. I do love the people here so I couldn't leave.

"Freya you on lunch." I say yelling to her desk which is behind her.

"I can if you are going on it now." No I'm am not taking it today as I finish in an hour but I wanted to know if you could come film videos with me Talia and Gee." I say turning around to her as I know she could leave soon like me.

"Sure. I'll see if Gee can get away from Will to come join us." She says getting back to her work like me.

We finish work and I give Ferya a lift back to my flat and we picked up Talia on the way. When we walked in no one expected that many people to be in the living room there was Josh, JJ, Simon, Calfreezy, Chip and Gee.

We spend some time talking about life and just catching up until I look at the time. " Girls we better hurry up and film all of these videos otherwise I will late." I say and they all agreed so we when to JJ studio room to film Talias video.

"Where are you going tonight." Simon says to me and I am in a bit of trouble. I haven't told him about this. Oops.

"Tobis. For a make up date." I replied then walked off. I could tell that he was getting annoyed but I didn't really care. "Don't worry it's in his apartment." I added then walked away.

I join the other girls in JJ's studio as that has the best sound quality for Talias video. She taught us all to harmonise in a song and we were all really good I was off key slot of time but it was still very good.

We were meant to do my video now but I needed to get ready otherwise I will be late. Everyone helped me get ready this time I don't know why this time as we are only going to his flat were is brother will properly be there with his friends.

I put on a plain black jumpsuit with matching black heels. I need the heels as I am so short when I wear them they make me look normal height. Taila and Freya curled my hair as there is a lot it takes two people. Gee helped me with my make up as it was going to be hard if I do it with the other top curling my hair.

I looked at my phone then it was time to get going other wise I was going to be late. I rushed out to the hall, got my jacket and keys then left. But I forgot one factor. Simon

"Have a good night." He says to me. Which is very unlike him. Talia must of said something to him she really knows how to help a girl out.

When I pulled up to Tobis building. The nerves hit me all at once. What if we get spotted together. It is pretty impossible but still the idea that it could still happens haunts me. I pressed the bell of his apartment me Manny let me in. He said that Tobi was still getting ready. He must of put a lot of effort into this.

I got the lift up to his apartment as let me say my heels and Tobi 7 flights of stairs are not a good mix. I kocked on the snd he answerd.

"Carri. You look..." Tobi pursed for a while looking straight at me. He looks handsome in the suit he was wearing." Wow. You look wow." He carrys on and it melts my hearts he really does if I look nice.

"You look wow yourself." I say back which wakes him up a bit more. I was trying to be funny but I think it just embarrassed him alot.

He pulled me out a chair from his kitchen table and I sat down. Then he sat down opposite me. Manny comes up and take are order. It wasn't much of an order as there was only lemonade to drink and only alphabet spaghetti to eat.

We started to talk as Manny try to hest up the spaghetti. "Carri do you like this all is it to soon after last time." Tobi says to me stuttering his whole way though the sentence.

"Its perfect." I say slowly falling for him a bit more. Under the table his foot started to touch mine, I didn't really might. After 10 minutes of staring in each other eyes we were about to kiss again...

Then Manny had to just come in a ruin it with putting the spaghetti right in front of us breaking up our kiss. It like the universe don't want us to kiss.

"Really Manny." Tobi says it the 'are you kidding me' expression.

"Simon told me that I should stop you guys kissing. Rule 1." Manny says then walks to his room leaving us alone.

We finish are meal then started to talk for a while. Suddenly slow music started to come out of the speakers. Tobi stood up and asked me to dance with him. We moved slowly to the music. It was like a fairytale I was Cinderella and he was my prince  charming.

Just like the fairy tale I had to leave at midnight. I should of really been home at 11 but this princess likes to break the rules. I said goodbye to Tobi  as I did he kissed me on the lips. It was what I had been expecting. It lasted long enough for me to leave a lasting impression for him to want more.

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