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It's 6 o'clock and my day has just become. I live with my older brother Simon and his best friend JJ. It has been great living here with them but everyone thinks that Simon is paying my rent where as I actually do pay it. I have my own you tube channel as I really want to do that in the future but intill my big break comes I am working shifts at sidemen clothing as I need some way to pay my rent.

I got straight up as I am very much a morning person. I put a long length blonde hair in to a high ponytail and put a bright red scrunchie around it as that is my favourite colour. I put a white sidemen clothing cropped top with some plain black jenes.

I walked to the kicten to See Simon at the table sitting down with his laptop in front of him.

"Good Morning." I say opening the cardboard to get the cereal box and a bowl.

"It's not much of a good morning." He said back to me not moving his eyes from his laptop. He was just sitting looking at the screen. Something on there has made it bad.

"What's wrong." I say leaning over the counter as his eyes moved off the computer screen and were now looking at me.

"I have no video ideas. I need to upload one tonight otherwise I have missed another upload." He says really panicking. I know what I need to do but I don't know if I am ready.

"I'll be in your video." I say trying around to get the milk out from the fridge.

"Are you sure. I throught you wanted to do you tube by yourself and not use my fame to help you." He says looking at me trying to do the puppy dog eyes. It didn't work as he is not the youngest and it only for me.

"Yes I am serious. We can do a Q & A if you want." I said while putting the cereal in the bowl then adding the milk.

"I'll put a hashtag on Twitter asking for questions." Simon said typing on his laptop really fast he must be desperate for a video

"What hashtag have you put on there." I say sitting down eating my cereal next to him looking at the responsives that have come in like a second.

"#MiniCarri." He said laugh his head off. I hate being called Mini Carri as that is what my family called me growing up. I really hated it and I still do.

I want to fight back but I look at the time. "I really want to punch you now but I'm going on be late for my shift." I sat getting up and putting my bowl and spoon in the sink then start to wash up.

"I'll go wake up JJ then." Simon says walking in to JJ's room. I guess the boys are have a meeting and check over how the company is working today it's a bit weird having your brother and his best friends being the CEOs of the company.

"Meet you in the car." I say really not wanting to see JJ get up as he can be violent when he hasn't have enough Sleep. I walk to the car and start talking to Ferya, Gee and Talia on are what's app group chat. When JJ and Simon fondling get down I start the car and head to the factory.

"See you later sis." Simon said giving me a hug and goes straight to the meeting room where Josh, Vik and Tobi already in there. I would go on and chat to the guys but I do have just a little crush on Tobi. Ok it's a really big one. It's so big I can't speak to him.

"Bye Carri." JJ says quickly then hugged me before following Simon into the office.

I walk to my desk to print out the different orders. Then Lewis and Ferya came to help me store out the orders to the different ordering stations. Me,Lewis and Ferya are all the managers of the different parts of Sidemen Clothing. I do the packing and how that is going, Lewis does the new product and looks for the new design and Ferya does the social media and promotion part of it.

"So that's 258 orders for the UK and 698 for the onternational orders." I say giving the states to Lewis who was putting it on a spred sheet so we can track theamount of orders we get.

"So that is a increase in the international orders but a slow decrease in the UK orders " Lewis says looking at his screen.

"Dibs not telling the boys." I say spinning around on my chair. As by now the rest of the company had started to working at the different posts they did. They soon found out so me, Lewis and Ferya all got called into the meeting to think up of more ideas. There are some really good stuff coming out in the next month's.

After the boys had lefted I work a few more hours then Simon picked me up so we could do the Q&A. In the car I was looking at phone through the hashtag Simon had putup. There were some wired questions.

"You ready." He said as soon as we got home and I was but there is always a part of me that is nervous.

"Yeah." I say following him into his room and sir in the spare chat. Simon moves the equipment around then he hit record

"Hi guys welcome to my video. Today I am going to do a Q&A with my sister. Carri." He says to the carma then we started to answer the questions.

"Dick or vagina." He says looking at his phone giving me a weird look.

"I have a vagina and I want dick." I say foiling Simons plan of what he we going to say. We did a couple more question and this is the one we ended with

"Next question is. Which Sidemen do you want to date." He says giving me them eyes and that look. I know he wants me to say none but I think I should say the truth.

"Well. I do like Tobi." I say but then realising what I said. My secret little crush has just come out.

"That's all we have time with today. Peace." Simon says. He did he a little feeling about my crush but never really knew. Now he does.

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