Chapter 1

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Flug let out a loud yawn stretching his hands above his head, his long black hair pointing in every direction as always. The small clock on the old wooden table making loud beeps caused him to completely wake up. He blinked a bit before peeking at the small wooden clipboard laying on the table. He picked it up looking at the few task points that still weren't done yet. One patient still had to get their last therapy session deciding if they're capable of being dismissed into prison and safely interacts with other people without throwing a fit or if they'll have to stay here and work on it.

The doctor pushed himself out of the black leather chair, board still in his hand. Fingers going through his hair trying to get some knots loose before putting on his mouthpiece and goggles over his head, successfully hiding his mouth. He looked out of his small window where bright sunlight shined through, no clouds even near the sky.

Flug thought back to when he first came to the asylum for the job interview. It was raining tons of water almost crushing his umbrella. He was so nervous that he actually started to put on a mask every time he went to the place. Actually, he still wears it. The fear of a patient randomly deciding to snatch his paperbag from his head was too great to handle for the doctor.

On the way towards the cafeteria to go grab a mug of coffee, he spotted a familiar face at the front desk talking to the nurse. "Five? Five, what are you doing up here? I thought you were on duty at the lower levels." Flug asked with a smile, greeting his friend.

The tall blue-haired guard let out a happy noise, waving his hand at him, the small flower on his guards hat popping up and down happily. He stood a few feet taller then Flug, looking down at his best friend and former roommate. »Forgot my keys at home, just fetching the replacement."

"Oh, okay. Wanna grab a coffee?" The man nodded giving Flug a sign to wait a moment before turning back to the blond women sitting behind the thick glass window.

A shiver went down Flug's spine causing him to look around curiously trying to spot why he felt so uneasy out of nowhere. The old radio that played nice and calm music, preventing the nurses and doctors from getting insane in a place full of insane criminals and villains, suddenly sounded corrupt and stopped playing at all.

The former pilot looked confused at the nurse and his friend. Five shrugged not knowing what was wrong as he pointed towards the radio. "What's with the radio, Christina?"

The blond nurse looked at the doctor then towards the radio. "That happens sometimes when storm clouds block the signal." She turned back towards a bunch of papers before handing Five the keys.

Like a lightning, a thought crashed into Flug's head making him even more nervous. He rushed towards the closed window pulling the curtains to the side. "That's strange, it was shin-... Oh my God. How'd this happen?!" His eyes widened in shock as he saw it.

The nurse groaned out annoyed, rolling her eyes before looking at the anxious man. "What?!" She already had to deal with an annoying woman who wanted to visit her son today, she didn't want to deal with an annoying doctor too.

"Just a minute ago there wasn't even a single cloud in the sky. How is it that there is a thunderstorm covering the entire sky?"

"Because there is something we call weather that changes every now and-" A loud bang interrupted her as a green-haired girl soaking wet came in running, ignoring the two buff looking guards that tried to catch her.

She turned around, fear in her eyes as she looked into the distance seeing a big black shadow in the woods. She hissed landing on the ground, trying to back away from the door as far as the distance between the door and the wooden counter made it possible.

Her breathing was heavy as she looked up at the four people surrounding her. "P-please! He-Help me!"

Only now Flug saw wounds on her body that looked like several big scratch marks of only that but a piece of her ear was missing. The blood from it poured down the side of her head making some of her hair turn a dark shade of red and brown. It dripped on the wooden floor, streaming into a big puddle of blood.

"Someone get the medical team over here and a first aid kit!" Flug yelled taking his white coat off and pressing it against a large wound on her leg. "And someone inform, the boss!"

Several people started to run around informing others, nearby doctors heard the yelling and started to shut the large metal doors. Keeping the patients inside there districts of the asylum while the panic spread inside of the ground level.

Flug looked around panicked, waiting for one of the guards to return with the first aid kit or even better the medical team, his former white coat now turned a dark shade of red. He let out a shriek when someone grabbed his arm firmly. He quickly looked over to the person holding him, only to realize that it was the girl.

Her pupils were so small and shook in fear as she just pointed towards the door. A tall figure came running towards them out of the forest. Flug started to scream. Signaling Five to close the heavy metal door as fast as possible and lock it. He backed away from it hoping that it would withstand.

The two let out a relieved sigh only to start screaming again when a loud crash was heard and a large dent appeared in the metal door. All of the noise only caused Flug's boss and the medical team to start sprinting towards the entrance hall.

"What in the world is happening?!" he screamed confused looking at Flug and the girl that was now getting treated by the medical team.

"B-Boss! Am I glad you're here! S-Someone!... No! Something is trying to break in. It hurt this girl. Idon'tIknowhowmuchlongerIcanhandlethis!" Flug rambled down in feer, starting to walk in circles, trying to calm his sorry ass down.

"Flug." The tall man grabbed Flug by his shoulder, giving him a small slap in the face when he wouldn't stop rambling. "Doctor! Calm down and explain what you saw."

Flug held his cheek slowly rubbing it, he needed that. He took a deep breath. "That girl just showed up out of nowhere, covered in cuts and bruises. And-And then out of literally nowhere that thing came running towards the asylum. Five managed to close the door in time but it just jumped right in it and now there is that large dent in the door!"

The grip on his shoulders became harder as Flug looked deep into his Boss's eyes. "What did this thing look like?"

"I-I... I don't know! It looked tall and-and like it had a top hat on or something on his head!" The grip suddenly went away completely. "M-Mr. WhiteHat?"

"Get so many guards available in here! Secure all doors and windows. You! Bring the girl into the medical room, come back immediately after she is stable. And DON'T let BlackHat harm anyone! You have permission to use your taser! And someone, go get me a pair of magic restraining handcuffs! Don't kill him! I repeat! Don't kill BlackHat!"

Flug looked in awe as several people just started running around while still being coordinated. A familiar face walked up to the two. "Mr. WhiteHat sir. Here are the cuffs you asked for."

"Thank you, Doctor Slug. Oh, by the way, Flug, have you met Slug yet? He's my personal assistant." WhiteHat explained happily patting the red-dressed doctor on the back.

"Y-Yeah... We met in Co-... Wait! Now isn't the time to chat! Did you say BlackHat?! Like... The supervillain BlackHat?!"

"Correctly speaking... Yes... But he's also my younger brother so I should be able to-" White was cut off by a loud crash behind Flug. "Controle him..."

The door was rammed in, now laying on the ground. BlackHat looked around, pissed as hell. "Demencia! Get your lizard ass over here or I'll do it myself!" Maniac laughter filled the room, his voice changed constantly from normal to a demonic one.

"Flug, Slug... get out of here... I'll deal with him..."

The maniac hidden inside - Villainous Asyulum AuWhere stories live. Discover now