Chapter 5

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Flug yawned tiredly, arm reaching for one of the old mugs and the coffee machine, pressing the overused button at the top. Plain black coffee starting to pour into the once empty mug. Like a heart that was slowly filling with hatred and disgust, dying from the inside out, eating away all the love until there was nothing left...

With the silent beeping of the machine signaling him that his beloved coffee was finished Flug placed another mug underneath, repeating the process while dumping the first one down his throat.

He looked at the familiar gray walls of his kitchen, slightly flinching as an old picture came into his view. Smiling slightly when he remembered how good it felt to stab the shit out of it.


Flug let out a sigh. Why did he agree to this, again? He is indeed glad that he had the day off forced onto him but... All he could do was visit Slug and WhiteHat, and that didn't go as well as he wished, and maybe do some paperwork he had stoked upon his table.

But that was it! He had no Family in Hatsville and the closest he had to friends were either working at the asylum or living somewhere in Europe. First: He didn't have the time to plan a trip. And second of all: Not the money to do so. He didn't receive the payment from the asylum yet and he already spent the rest of it on a new miniature plane. Not his fault that replicas of the original planes were so expensive.

Now he stood in front of his workplace, again, the large number of keys in his hand that he got from his boss. Unlocking the employee's only entrance and stepping inside. The cold air hit is visible skin sending goosebumps over his body.

The employee's only area was most of the time completely silent, except if someone had to drag a patient in to grab a cup of coffee. There was a room with beds but most psychologists slept in their own offices. Some because they feared that a patient was going to come to murder them at night by ripping of their nailes, electricuteing them, rape them before drowning them in slow working accid and haging their skinned corps in their families house. But most of them, Flug included, just fall asleep after overworking.

Tiredly he rubbed his eyes, yawning. The blue-colored straw, lazily hanging between his lips, slurping his third and sadly already cold cup of coffee. Scanning over the papers while his legs moved automatically.

"...So... What is there to do? Alright, I don't need to go check on demencia... Go to Black Hat..." Flug paused thinking back. "Right... I'll have to deal with him... Too..."

A long sigh escaped the former pilot, causing him to throw his head in the neck and turning around on his heels. He walked in the wrong direction. Again. His thoughts were racing, all he wanted to do was catch up with some sleep in his office, sending his already bad posture even further into hell itself.

Walk coming to a stop when he almost collided with the person in front of the elevator. "Oh! E-Excuse me."

"Well look who it is! How was your day off, Kenning?" The arrogant voice of Peterson echoed through Flug's head.

"...Jack." the former pilot seemed even more annoyed than before.

"Ouch! Don't be so rude. Remember? We were close friends once!"

Pictures of certain events popped up in the doctor's head. Bad memories he wished to have never happened.

"Yeah... Were Friends... Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job to attend to."

The maniac hidden inside - Villainous Asyulum AuWhere stories live. Discover now