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Hosuh's hair makes me mad.


Y/n's pov.
I was trying to fix the laces on my shoes as best as I could "Hey there goes your boyfriend" Dan says quick and I quickly look up to see Hosuh. "Dan!" I snap and he laughs.

"Hey you wanna hang out after school?" He asks. "No" I say finishing my laces. "I might be able to get Hosuh to go~" he whispers into my ear. I feel goosebumps form. I watch Hosuh leave and I look at Dan. "Fine" I say and he does a little victory.

"Oh wait!" Dan says reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a few dollars. "I'm suppose to buy you clothes" he says and I look at him weird. "My mom said cute girls shouldn't have to dress like that" he says and I give an annoyed look. "Your mom is too nice sometimes Dan" I say stretching. "Well we better catch him now before he goes!" Dan says gtabbing my arm and we start running.


"Hosuh!" Dan yells and he turns around. "Uh...yes?" He says as we stop. Dan is brething heavy. "Would you like to come... With us?" He says taking a deep breath in then out.

"Why?" Hosuh asks. "I am going to take y/n here shopping but i barely have style so will you?" Dan asks and Hosuh thinks. "Uhm.. Why not" he says and steps closer. I look down and my shoe lace broke again. "Why.." I say bending down to fix it again. "Maybe new shoes too" Hosuh says and i nod.

"Well lets go" Dan says. I stand straight and walk with the two. I glance down to see my shoe lace broke. I ignore it and continue to walk.


This place is nice. Maybe.. A little to nice. "What about a dress?" Dan says putting up to his body. He does a little spin and I laugh. "No its getting colder" I say and look at where Hosuh is. "What about these" Hosuh says holding up a few pastel sweatshirts. "I'll try them on" I say and he hands them to me. I won't lie. These are nice.

"Oh oh! Fashion show!" Dan says and I shake my head no. "Yeah" Hosuh says. "Fine but no screaming Dan" I say and he nods. I step into the changing room and try on the first sweatshirt. I walk out and Dan smiles. "Very cute" he says and Hosuh nods. I tried on the next ones and each on Dan and Hosuh approved. I change back into my regular shirt and step out with the sweatshirts. "So you want those?" Dan asks. "Yeah i like them" I say smiling.

"Now pants or leggings?" "What are leggings" I say and Dans face does a gasp. "You might like a lot y/n" he says dragging me and Hosuh to a different part of the store. Leggings. They are stretchy but are like skin tight? "Maybe the black ones" Hosuh says and i feel my face burn. "Surr why not" I say and I have a pair. "Try on" Dan says smirking. "Pervert" I say entering the changing room.

I.. I am not gonna lie they are comfortable as fuck. "Legs" I say looking at my legs. I step out to show them "Oo you should get them!" Dan says and Hosuh nods with a smile.

"Alright" I say and go to change back. We picked out a few more things then we walked to go pay. "I've never seen boys do this with a girl" the cashier say and she looks at me. "Wait you were in here just a few hours ago" she says and I freeze. "That's my twin she's all hyper" I say and she does this oh thing with her mouth.

"Well have a good rest of the day" she says and we walk out with the stuff i got. "Ok I think I can go home" I say and Dan stops shaking his head no. "You need one more thing" he says and points to my shoes. "Ok ok" I say and Hosuh smiles as we walk to where you get shoes.


"Oh pink!" Dan says. "Wha?" I say looking at the shoes. "Uh no what about these?" Hosuh says pointing at a pair. Regular converse. "Yeah!" I say looking at them. No more broken laces. "Ok then that should be all" Dan says.

"You can wear them out so you don't trip yourself" Hosuh says. "I dont want you to get hurt" he adds and feel my face do the burning thing. I nod as I switch shoes. Ah. Looks like I'm going to have to wear them since they're brand new. As we walk out I wrap an around around Dan's shoulders. "Thanks Dan" i say and he says its no problem.

"And.. T-thanks Hosuh for helping pick some out" I say and he nods with a smile. "Now you'll have boys all over you. Now you'll need a body guard. Glad to help" Dan says and I shake my head making him laugh.

Goofy boy.


Oo got sum new stuff picked by the innocent one~

I needs a nap



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