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im so sleepy..


No one's pov.

It's been a good two months. Hosuh cannot get enough of y/n. Finally being able to love the girl he loves makes him super happy. and for him to see y/n happy just makes him even more happy.

"come to my house, or i can go to your house again" Hosuh looks to see a girl holding onto y/n's arm. "but i was going to spend after school with Hosuh, g/n(girl name)" Y/n says as they walk up to hosuh. "but. what about me?" the girl says and y/n just looks away. "i wanna hang out with hosuh" y/n says and the girls looks a bit annoyed by the boys name.

"fine. but tomorrow" g/n says letting go of y/n leaving the two. "freedom finally" y/n says to hosuh. "why did she look at me weird.. or annoyed?" hosuh says and y/n looks up at him. "i dunno.. she did it to Dan to" she says. this almost concerns Hosuh, clingy friends aren't good.

"so what should we do?" Hosuh asks and Y/n smiles "let's watch one of your anime's" and his heart melted. "maybe the same one we watched the other day?" she asks "i love that one" Hosuh says smiling.


The two were laying in Hosuh's room watching one of his favorite anime's. "hey y/n?" hosuh says and y/n looks up at him. "will you ever go back to america?" he asks and her smile drops. "i hope not, i wanna stay here with you" she says interlocking their hands. "will bean be back?" he asks and she nods. "she'll come back, she misses me. and is dying to see if we are as cute a couple as we sound" she says and his face burned hearing couple.

"we're only a cute couple because of you" Hosuh says looking at her. "because of us both!" y/n says making him chuckle. they continue to watch until y/n has to go home.


The next day g/n is back to clinging onto y/n.

Y/n's pov.

"come to my house not hosuh's" g/n says and i look at her. "you hang out with him almost everyday" she says and i start feeling mad. "i hang out with you everyday. if i don't you cry." i say and she lets go of my arm.

"choosing your boyfriend over your friend?"

"yeah i am"



i love this book.

i love this book

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