Chapter fifteen

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•chapter fifteen•

•chapter fifteen•

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Chicken noodle soup?" the brown haired young man asked, opening a cauldron in which had boiling soup, almost ready to burst.

No one answered as he continued with his work. You were amazed how the world worked with different species and it was very much sure that wizards were your absolute favourite.

Despite the outside looking fairly small, the inside looked massive. The wizard in front of you was compulsively neat. You expected dirty old rags, spilled puddles of dangerous steaming potions, shelves crammed with glass jars that had rabbit eyes, lizard tails and snake tongues. But for your surprise, his potions were poured in jars, every lable facing forward as they were placed in the alphabetical order. Brooms, cloths, rugs and his cloaks were folded neatly on a shelf next to the wooden door of the entrance. He even had golden old weighting scales among his utensils, which were placed next to his potions.

The wizard adjusted his shirt blouse and came forward, bowing afterwards. You were surprised that he was very young. You also expected an old man with a purple pointy hat and a white beard when Seokjin mentioned that you were going to meet a wizard, who was the last help option.

"I'm honored to meet you, your highnesses." The wizard flashed a smile. "I would have prepared dinner if I knew you were coming to visit."

"It's alright, Hoseok." Seokjin nodded, smiling in return. "I've come to seek help, from you. We have an urgent matter to discuss. Have you got the time?"

Hoseok nodded quickly. "Of course, your highness."

"Let me introduce you Kim Taehyung and his twin sister, Kim Y/N." Seokjin began to speak.

"Hmm...they do not belong here. Especially the girl. Something in me whispers that she will cause chaos worse any wars we've had in the past." Hoseok spoke, glaring at the Kim siblings. He carefully studied them, leaving them both to feel the fear rising up. Then he offered a smile, a smile almost as bright as the sun, and chuckled. "Interesting."

You could only sigh. What Hoseok said made your heart do a little jump. What did he mean by causing chaos worse than any wars?

Seokjin cleared his throat and informed Hoseok about the current situation, even Yoongi was nodding along as he munched on an apple. "Y/N is a person who travelled from the future and so is Taehyung. From what she told me, she fell down into a rabbit hole and found herself in Min Yoongi's castle. She gave us some hints about the future and that's when everything has started to go south. Taehyung however...he's been travelling through time more than he can count."

After the king had ended his explanation, the room was filled with quietness. The sound of an apple being eaten could be heard but it had soon stopped after a pillow was thrown at Yoongi.

"So you're seeking for my help?" Hoseok asked, looking straight at you. "You think I can help you?"

"Why do you think we're here for? Have a cup of coffee and some cupcakes?" Yoongi asked, throwing the pillow back at Hoseok.

Hoseok groaned, "That would've been nice, wouldn't it? A group of people visiting me for a refreshing afternoon. This old man has no life."

"Hoseok you're twenty-four." Yoongi sighed, "Will you help us or not?"

"Fine, but I won't guarantee you that it will work. I may be the best out of the whole wizarding population, but even the best of magic has its limits." Hoseok smiled and grabbed his cloak. "Let's go!"

"Where?" Taehyung asked, eyeing the wizard suspiciously.

"Back to Seokjin's kingdom of course. It's going to take me a few days to prepare."

Seokjin nodded at Hoseok's response and gestured the others to follow him. "Let's leave quickly as we can. We shouldn't lose any more time."

"Desperate to get me out of here?" You asked, giving Seokjin a displeased look.

The king rolled his eyes at your stupidity and continued to walk. With a blink of an eye they were already standing in front of the familiar castle.

"Thank you for leaving me so I can babysit these two airheads." Namjoon appeared behind Seokjin with an expression as dead as his soul. He pointed his finger at Jimin and continued to speak, "This human wanted to know how his soul tastes like...he guessed his soul is a handful of cotton candy. And you're telling me that the future of seven billion humans lies on this f*cker's hands???"

"My lord, who taught you that word?" Seokjin asked, calmly. (Dumbledore asked-)

"Y/N." The demon growled before pointing at his next victim. "And don't get me started on this one. Jeon Jungkook, are you interested in men?"

This questioned startled not only Jungkook, but the whole group as well. The half angel blinked innocently before shaking his head rapidly. "What made you think that I am?"

"You were secretly giving me adoring glances and showed interests in me-"

"It's because I think you're cool!" The younger one cried. "I've never met a demon like you before and I find you really inspiring."

"Oh..." Namjoon smiled.

Seokjin clapped his hands twice, catching everyone's attention. "I've brought Hoseok with me today to aid us, or should I say, the Kim siblings. He's a wizard, and a good one I must add, so please don't disturb him while he's working."

"Pleasure to meet you, Hoseok." Jimin spoke with a small smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, your highness. I never thought I would meet you so soon." The wizard smiled back. Then his smile disappeared as he realised that he had forgotten to do something.

"Oh no" The wizard whispered, looking around shakingly at everybody. "Oh my god."

Jungkook scrunched his nose, trying to read his expression. "Did you forget to do something?", he asked.

"Yeah", answered Hoseok.

"Well, what did you forget?"

"My chicken noodle soup."


"I forgot to turn off my cauldron at home!"


I'M BACKKKKKKKKKK. Sorry for the long wait heheh you've probably forgotten this book and the plot because of the long hiatus and I kind of did so too But I have the whole storyline planned on my planner so don't worry I recall my memories Lolol.

Short chapter to refresh the book and more to come in the future!

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