Chapter 30

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I feel like I'm in one of those stupid movies where the damsel in distress realizes she actually loves that man and is now running all over town shouting his name at the top of her lungs with a huge cartoon smile on her face.

Only in the movies she's finds him pretty easily because she knows 'oh so much' about him.

But right now I have no idea where Marshall could be, and I'm most certainly not a damsel in distress.

I'm a scrawny gay boy in distress.

Who's also already very fatigued, and I've barely been running/jogging for over two minutes.

Okay but seriously think Bubba. School ended an hour ago. Marshall, and I both only had four periods. So its only one p.m. right now.

Lunch hour just ended so Marshall wouldn't be at a food place. But he's not in a his dorm room, I already checked there. He could be with Ashley, but she's in school still along with all our other friends. So he's alone.

Wait... The guitar I got him for Christmas wasn't on its usual stool in his room when I went to check.

Where would he take a guitar? He wouldn't take it out to play it... he hates drawing attention to himself. And sitting somewhere alone playing as good as he does would attract a lot of attention.

Why else would you take your guitar with you?

To an instrument shop to fix it or something right?


But there's so many in this stupid town. Fuck me. I can't drive around to everyone of them!

I kicked a small rock on the ground in front of me, and it leaped up and hit off a car leaving a small but noticeable mark. I covered my mouth with my hands.


Wait... Thats Marshall's car.

Walking up to the car I put my face on the window, looking inside. Nothing is in there, but usual car held items.

Wait his car is here? He walked to the music shop.




I practically felt the excitement busting out of me as I took off running in the direction of Alberts.

I was to excited to remember I had a car.

Alberts was only a ten minute walk, so I guess about a five minute jog. Which is really quick, but by the time I got there I was so tired I could've sworn I died.

Surprisingly I wasn't all that sweaty. Just under my arms. Wow that is the easiest work out, and I'm dying.

I open the doors, and the little jingly thing went off. Now the only downside here is Alberts is literally huge.

It's the most popular music store in town actually. The store is broken into three parts.

I don't see Marshall in the first part, but I know why. There's only percussion instruments in here.

"Um.. Where's the guitar instruments?" I ask the girl behind the counter.

"Second part." She says barely looking up from her magezine, and smacking her gum.

The best music store in town can't hire good help?

With a shake of my head I walk into the second part.

I walk through all of the display casses, and other things and still no Marshall? Oh my glob, was I completely wrong? Is he not even here? I just ran all the way here are you fuc- no okay keep calm. Lets just leave. Maybes he's back at his dorm by now.

Glob I'm so angry though. F-

"Bubba?" I freeze.

"Marshall?" I whisper, but don't turn around to face him.

"Yeah uh... What are you doing here?" I could practically sense the confused frown on his face.

I take a few deep calming breaths, although my heart was pounding at what I was about do.

"Bubba?" He asks again.

I slowly turn around, and look up into those eyes. Still the same red brown tint as they've always been. I miss looking into them. I miss them looking into my abnormal purple ones with so much love.

I look at his slightly pointy, but adorably small nose. He hates it, but I love it. I miss teasing him about it.

I then drag my eyes to his defined jaw line, and cheek bones. I miss kissing along there.

His full plump lips, looked as soft as ever. I miss kissing those the most, and those kissing me back with just as much passion.

Lastly I look at his whole face. His angelic face. That was looking back at me more confused than ever.

Glob I just miss everything about this boy in front of me. How could I have been so stupid to let him go.

"I miss you." I whisper, his eyes begin to widen. But I close mine before leaning up on my tiptoes touching my lips to his.

The moments he stood frozen for terrified me. Was he over me?

Before I could completely freak out he moves his lips in sync with mine. And I completely melt, his arms quickly found their spot on my waist to keep me in place.

My hands found their place around his neck, and I tangle them in his soft black messy hair.

I couldn't help myself I was so excited, that I jump up wrapping my legs around his waist. He stumbles slightly, and we both laugh into the kiss.

I feel like bursting this was surreal. I pull away breathless. "Make love to me." I whisper before kissing him again.

Without a word he broke away, placed me on his back and took me to his dorm.


After the sock was on the doorknob and the door was locked I was thrown on the bed; laughing like a giddy child.

Marshall crawls over me removing his shirt, and attacking my swollen lips again. "I miss you too."

I stop giggling, and smile placing my hands on his bulge. "Show me how bad you missed me."

I swear his eyes turned as dark as I'd ever seen them. Knowing I had this affect on him causes another small laugh to leave me.

I remove my own shirt, and pants. I push Marshall down, and sit in his lap smiling still so huge.

I grab his hands, and bring them above his head pinning them there. I knew I wanted to make love just as bad as he did. But just plain kissing him was driving me insane.

So thats what I did. Pin him down, and suck his face off.

Although later his face wasn't the only thing getting sucked off.

"That was amazing." I breathe out. We were lying in his bed completely entangled in each others limbs.

"It was." He laughs, and drags a hand across his face before placing it back on my cheek; lightly caressing my skin.

"Go back out with me?" I ask.

"Of course." He kisses my forehead.

I close my eyes, and snuggle closer to him. Not that that was even possible, we were already so close. "I love you."

The arm that was around my waist squeezes affectionately. "I love you too."

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