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too afraid of letting go
for what beholds us is among the unknown
forsaken forgiveness forever encompassed by our foreseeing thoughts
fretting about the world and the issues that to solve seem impossible
as they project the word impossible as false
seeing as though it sits pretty in the dictionary
guiding our clouded youth in the wrong direction since the beginning of time it seems
too afraid to hold on
the grip tightening around the neck of our dreams is becoming weak
we lose sight of the path perfectly paved for success
drowning out the words of the wise for godly music that takes our minds ablaze
spoken by our guardians as a distraction by influences that obstruct our view on the goodness of life
only to not listen and endure the unobtainable presence they bring
casted as shattered youth
a broken road we walk
tainted by fiery death notes, only to scrape the luckiest knees
middle of the board as we stand
rocking slowly back & forth
in between the encapsulation of our society and the individuality seemingly faded
lost, as we will never speak
unable to find our way back
always asked where we went unable to stabilize our answer in a believing manor
alone, in our minds cornered by the evils conjured up
to where does all lead, well that's the agony, the agony of it all. 

                - M.M

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