Part 14

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I'm back, I'm back, I'm back......with the shortest part ever. But I'm back. I already have the next three parts written out. So there will be more updates. There will be longer parts, more action, more tears and much more love. 


My arrow hits the tree I was targeting perfectly. I string my bow again, taking aim when I'm rudely interrupted.

"Pretending the tree is Aedion?" Rowan asks as he approaches me from behind. I snarl and release, hitting my mark again.

"It's always Aedion in my mind." My relationship to the general is a tense one. His closeness to Kiara possesses me to rip his head from his body every time he smiles at her or she laughs at his jokes and touches his arm. His importance to my mate is the only thing that stops me from giving in to my desires. He saved her when she needed saving. He gave her purpose in life and he ultimately led her to me. Kiara would also disembowel me if I ever laid a hand on Aedion, so that stops me too. Rowan strides over to the tree and removes my arrows before turning to look at me, his green eyes laughing at my anger.

"She'll be back soon." I shake my head and let out a sigh.

"I just can't believe this is who I have become. She leaves me for barely a day and I lose my mind."

"Understandable based on what you've been through." His eyes darken and he leans against the tree, rubbing his finger across the sharp arrow tip in his hand. "I have a hard time letting Aelin leave my sight, afraid I'll never see again. Afraid she'll end up trapped again. Trapped far away from me. I'm sure Kiara feels the same way about you."

I turn away from him and look out into forest behind him, "well she keeps leaving me, so clearly she doesn't."

"She's leaving you for a purpose, Fenrys. She had to try to save her family."

I shoot an arrow right beside his head. "I'm her family. We're her family."

He doesn't flinch at the arrow, but he does tilt his head and understanding crosses his face, "ah, I see. You're afraid now that she's reconnecting with her brother, she's going to leave us for them." He shakes his head, approaches me and grips my shoulder. "Fenrys. She is your mate; you are her mate. Nothing will separate the two of you. She will never leave you."

I shrug out of his grip and meet his gaze, "what if she decides she wants to return to that world? What do I do? Do I go? Do I fight to stay here?"

"You will know what to do if that happens. You are mates, you will solve your problems together. You will make decisions together. But how about we win this war before you worry about that?"

I grab the arrows from his hand and pack them up before grabbing my bow and turning back to the castle. I give Rowan a short nod of thanks and he offers me a small smile before he vanishes off into the woods, probably doing some odd errand for Aelin. My relationship with Rowan has transformed within recent times. Mainly thanks to my wife. She changed me for the better. She made me more understanding. She made me more caring and she made me realize the important relationships in my life. Aelin changed Rowan too. The two of us spend a lot less time fighting and a lot more time talking these days. We've been through similar hells and we made it out. That can create a bond. The sound of metal on metal interrupts my thoughts and I see up ahead that our three guests from Kiara's world are sparring with swords. Cassian, the general and Azriel, the spymaster as he was called are both shirtless, sweaty and neither one seems like they are going to give up on this fight. Feyre is standing off to the side, dressed in fighting gear with her own sword hanging from her hand. Her face is one of impatience as she must be waiting to fight the winner. I smile at her body language, similar to Kiara except Kiara wouldn't wait for them to finish, she'd jump in and make it a three-way fight. I approach her and point to her weapon, "looking for a challenger?"

She meets my stare and then her eyes shift to my bow and arrows, "looks like you have the wrong weapon."

I give her a laugh and nod "true, but it's pretty easy to find a sword around here." The metal clanging has stopped behind me and I can feel one her bodyguards approaching.

"She's good, Feyre will spar with me." I turn to see Cassian within arms length of me, glaring at me with an untrusting look. I raise my hands and fake surprise.

"Woah, not need to get upset, just trying to be hospitable."

"It's not necessary, we can take care of ourselves." He snarls at me.

I flash my canines and let out a low growl myself, "got it, bat-boy." I reference his large wings and make sure to knock into his shoulder with my own as I walk past him. Kiara is the only thing stopping me from offering to fight him one on one. I can't hurt her family when it's only their third day here. As a walk away I can pick up the hushed whispers of Feyre.

"Cassian, what was that about? He was being nice."

"I don't like him. I don't trust him."


"Drop it Feyre. I just don't. Kiara deserves better."

Anger fills my body and I dig my nails into my palms to prevent me from turning around and confronting him. Kiara deserves better. What does that mean? He doesn't know me. He has no idea who I am or what I am like. He also doesn't know Kiara. He has no idea what she deserves, what she wants or what she needs. He better hope Kiara returns soon though, or else I will fight him. And I will win.

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