Back Again (Gabriel)

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O; Original plot
G; Grief
All I could do was rush to the bunker, I was running on only 3 hours of sleep because of a difficult hunt I was trying to solve and finally was able to before I started driving the 8 hours into Kansas from Denver. I got a call from the boys about a certain someone being back, and as soon as they told me i started my car and left the hunt to other hunters. I rushed to them, to him.

All this time he was trapped, I don't exactly know how or when because I saw him die right in front of me. We saw him die. Endless possibilities were rushing through my head as I drove all night. Sam and Dean kept telling me it was okay, that Dean was going to open the portal and go through to other world with Ketch.

I told them not to thought, we argued on the phone as I was halfway there, in the end i told Dean if he left before I got there, before they explained what the hell happened then it won't be Michael, Lucifer, angels, Asmodeus or Ketch who will kill him but it will be me with my own bare hands if he tries to leave.

I needed answers. I wanted to see how he was, to see if he was broken or still his usual self.

I ended up getting there in the morning, it was around 9 a.m. when I rushed up the hill towards the bunker, swerving my car to a stop as I rushed out and headed down the small steps and started bangning on the metal door. "Sam! Dean! Wake up!" I yelled as I kept banging on it. My yells echoing in the wind, after a few minutes of banging i could hear things inside, someone yelling and crashing. Checked my pockets and under rocks and leave piles before finding an extra key.

I opened up the heavy door in a swift pull and ran in. Looking down from the balcony I saw the whole living area a mess and a flap of hair run into the hallway, Dean following behind before hearing the door open. "(Y/n), you're here, we uh.. Should've warned you about making noises." Dean huffed out clearly out of breath as I made my way down the stairs. "Where is he?" I asked in a hurry, I wanted to see him already. "Sam is trying to calm him down. I guess he got scared from the banging you were doing that he freaked out or thought someone was here for him."

Dean explained with a sigh, I could tell they were obviously tired as we started walking towards where Sam ran off with him. "Well, now that you're here, i'm guessing we can make the spell and..." This made me stop in my tracks which made him bump onto behind me. "You're not going anywhere until i get answers." I growled at him, in which he just lifted his hands up in defense, "Okay, Okay. Just calm down, let's go they're probably waiting for us at the drawing table or back at the main tables."

I followed Dean around the bunker, we checked the kitchen and the library yet they weren't there. In the end we started making our way back to the main tables by the living area at the entrance when Sam calls Dean telling us that he and someone chased him around until he was able to calm down, saying how for an injured angel he ran fast. This had me terrified, what could they have done to him? .

Shaking my head I tried not to think about it, we turned the corner and walked to enter where they were before Ketch stepped out. "Well, look who we have here, long time no see Ms.(Y/n)." He says smoothly with the same old smile of his, all I could do was stare at his beat up face that had stitches in some places and a bruised up face. "What is he doing here? Last time I heard from you two he was dead." I asked angrily as i turned to Dean. "Well explain, don't worry. Now come on." Dean grabbed my arm and pulled me in, Ketch following us in. I looked around the room only for my eyes to fall on Sam's back as he had a kit next to him.

He seemed to be doing something as Dean let go of me, I started making my way towards them as Sam placed a pair so scissors on the table with some stitches as he turned around to see me. "(Y/N), you're here." Sam breathed out, a bit unsure what to say as he got up, "That's what I said." Dean jokes, trying to lighten the mood only to get a look from Sam in which his smiled died down and cleared his throat crossing his arms. Paying no attention to them all I could do was stare at him once Sam moved out of the way.

He was all bruised, cut, and beaten up. Dried blood everywhere and was wearing all white which made it seem gray as it was filled with dirt and blood. He wasn't looking at me thought, he kept looking around, being cautious and anxious. This wasn't the man I fell in love with, he wasn't his usual self. He wasn't grinning or laughing and not even making sarcastic remarks. From what I could tell he was broken apart.

My archangel was finally broken.

I could feel tears form and myself get dizzy. I didn't expect to see him like this. Sam seemed to notice my balance was off and grabbed my arm, making me sit down on the chair he was sitting a few moments ago in front of him. He seemed to flinch as I sat down, Sam made his way next to Dean and Ketch and just watched before Ketch opened his mouth. "Do you want to know what happened?"

Honestly, I didn't even know if I wanted to. I wanted answers but I know I wasn't ready for them, so i just asked a few questions instead. "Who did this to him?" I asked softly as I watched his every move. "Asmodeus." My blood started to boil, all I've ever wanted to do was kill him after he tricked Jack and tried opening the portal to the other world. "What did he do to him?"

Ketch seemed to hesitate, "I don't think-" "You asked if I wanted to know, I expect to get an answer." I repeated his words and my own, trying not to be too loud for his sake as Ketch cleared his throat. "He was tortured, and had his grace slowly stripped away only for Asmodeus to have it pumping in his veins." When Ketch said grace i noticed him be more alert as if someone was going to come at him.

I shook my head and took a deep breath before speaking out softly. "Gabriel." I whispered out in which he moved a bit, almost tempting himself to look up before I repeated myself. "Gabriel, look at me please." He seemed to listen because now he slowly moved his head up and we ended up making eye contact. He was far worse than what I thought. Seeing him bruised up wasn't enough because all the pain was in his eyes, a broken archangel asking for help.

He seemed to be in shock as well, as if he didn't believe it was me in front of him. That or he didn't remember who I was. Carefully, I reached my hand up towards him and brushed it against his cheek, he responded by flinching from my touch but soon enough after I cupped his cheek for a while he relaxed against my touch. I could feel tears form once more and soon fall, running down my cheeks as I pulled Gabriel into my arms.

Of course, he stiffened up by the sudden hug but just like before he relaxed as my arms were wrapped around him gently. I cried on his shoulder as i held him close to me, I could feel him wrap his arms loosely around me too. I knew I had to help him, help him get better to his old self.

"It's gonna be okay Gabe, I'll make sure no one hurts you again. It'll be okay."

"I trust you kiddo."

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