At fault (Gabriel)

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D; Death of character
O; Original plot with a few twists
A; Angst
No one knew what happened to you. One night you just disappeared from the brothers and the angel without a word.
They didn't seem to find you nor know anything about you until they planned to kill Lucifer, Gabriel was doing his regular tricks with hallucinations as he distracted his brother on talking.

Mentioning their father and how he was in neither side but humanities. Though, Lucifer could see right through him. He of course learned these tricks from him, there was no denying Lucifer knew all along what was being planned.

Just as Gabriel took a step forward to and raised the angel blade to stab Lucifer, he failed to notice a shadow run their way. Lucifer being pushed aside as they grabbed Gabriel's arm and in a swift movement the angel blade was shoved in his stomach.

Gabriel couldn't believe his eyes as he gasped feeling the blade pushed into him. His arm gripping the others as he tried not to let the blade move to finish him off. His illusion disappearing in an instant.

Lucifer couldn't help but sigh, almost sadly, "You left me no choice Gabriel, I didn't want to have to do this. Well, it technically wasn't me. I know you think you were doing the right thing Gabriel. But I know where your heart truly lies."

"What.. What did you do to them..?" Gabriel managed to choke out, trying to keep himself from being blasted off as he stared at the face of his lover. "Me? Oh, no, no, no Gabriel. You can't blame this on me. I did them a favor, though... this wasn't part of the plan."

Gabriel wheezed slightly, gripping onto his lovers arm tighter, "(Y/n), p-please." Though, you couldn't do anything. Staring blankly at your lover as he was on the verge of death by your hands.

"Amateur hocus pocus, don't forget you learned all your tricks from me little brother." With that you plunged and twisted the angel blade once more farther into Gabriel's stomach.

Eyes and mouth blasting bright blue light as his grace was burned out before he slumped back and fell on the ground. Black angel wings burning and scorching the wooden floor.

Lucifer could only turn away from his brother, a dull expression on his face before he waved his hand, setting you free from the trance he put you in. As you blinked and tried to figure out where you were, you glanced down at your hands seeing the blood soaked blade.

Face going pale as you looked slightly up and saw the body of your lover dead on the floor. A thud was heard as you dropped on the ground and crawled your way over to Gabriel, holding his body close. "G-Gabe? Darling? Wake up, please.. Gabriel!"

Sobs could be heard in the room as you gripped his body close, Lucifer just stood in the side and watched before taking a few steps forward to be right next to the two of you. All you could do is glance up at him and slightly freeze in your spot.

He had an expression that screamed regret as he took a last glimpse of his brother. He shifted his eyes over to you and you began to open your mouth. "W-Why...? Why'd you make me do it?" You choked out at him.

"It had to be done... but don't worry," Lucifer crouched down and placed his hand on your head. "You'll meet him soon." With that he disappeared, the only sound left was the flutter of his wings mixed with your choked sobs that soon turned into wails.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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