Dancing with the Devil (Lucifer)

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F; Fluff, some cute moments with your favorite archangel
It was strangely a calm night in the bunker, well, calm as in being the only one there while the boys were out hunting. You decided not to go seeing as it was a quick salt and burn type of case and knew the boys could handle it. Thus, giving you a few extra hours with your favorite archangel.

All you could hear in the bunker was soft music playing in the background as you had your arms around your lover. Moving back and forth as you both swayed to the music. Every now and then a few giggles coming out of the two of you as he would pepper you in kisses all over your face and neck. "Stooop it tickles!" You squealed as you were picked up and twirled around before being placed back down.

Your face being cupped by his hands as he did a trail of kisses from your forehead, eyelids, nose, cheeks and finally giving you a peck on the lips as he grinned. "How can I stop when you're my favorite person here." This caused you to roll your eyes as you placed your arms around his neck, letting them hang loosely.

"I'm the only person you like here." You grinned, eyes shining as you stared at your lover who chuckled in response before he tugged you over to the stairs. "You know me so well, now let's head out and do something. I don't get why you never want to head out every time they leave."

"You know exactly why Luci, c'mon how about we just relax and lay on the couch and watch some Netflix?" You say as you tugged him back to the couch with a soft smile as you peck his cheek. "I'll let you choose whatever, okay? Next time we'll do whatever you want." Lucifer could only huff before giving in and smiling at your childish ways, pulling you close to his chest before dropping on the couch making you fall with him.

Arms wrapped around your waist as you laid against him, breathing his scent which smelled of whiskey and fire. Sighing you wrapped your arms back around him as you both stared at each other. "When are you going to tell them?" You knew he would ask again, he's been wanting to let everyone know about the two of you yet you were afraid of how the guys would react. "I don't know Luci.. maybe when they stop hating you?" You joked a little before closing your mouth as Lucifer gave you a little glare but quickly shook it off and pecked your forehead.

"I don't see why you should be worried about what they think, they should be happy that you're happy." He was right about that, Sam and Dean would be dramatic at first, mostly Dean, but they would come to accept it as long as nothing horrible happens. I mean this is the devil, Lucifer, archangel who was cast out of heaven, possessed Sam, almost caused the end of the world and all. It wouldn't hurt to tell the boys first that way we wouldn't sneak around to see each other a few times a month.

Mumbling under your breath, you moved to get off of Lucifer and stood, holding out your hand for him. "C'mon, let's at least have one last dance before we tell them later this week." With that being said, Lucifer grinned and stood as he held your hand and pulled you close once more, making the music get slightly louder as he held you close.

"I love you, you know that right?" He whispered in your ear as he pressed a kiss on your earlobe. You could only giggle and squeeze him close, unable to hear the door unlocking at the top of the stairs. "I know Luci, and I love you too, so much my angel." With that Lucifer couldn't help but dip you down as he planted a kiss on your lips, holding you in said position for a little while. That is until...

"What the FUCK?!"

Dean shouting making you two part from your kiss and stare up at the Winchester brothers, you staring slightly upside down still in the dipping position Lucifer had you in as you let out a nervous laugh, "Surprise?" That could only be said before the boys dropped their bags at the top of the stairs before they started making their way down, "No, no, no- surprise?? You both have some explaining to do!" Dean rushes down the steps, Sam behind on his trail before Lucifer just laughed and pressed a kiss on your forehead.

"On second thought, let's explain some other day, later dear." With that Lucifer left, flutter of wings breing one of the three sounds as the boys finished marching down the stairs and to you being dropped on the floor seconds after he disappeared. "Lucifer you asshole!"

Now the only sound left was his laughter echoing as the brothers began to lecture you about the devil and ask questions about your little relationship.

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