Rosa Lilly's Audition Pt 1

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So I really wanted to update thats what I did.

Dannie, this ones for you cos ily yaknow.

Enjoy! :)

       New York City, April 30th, 2012

Rosa Lilly Nazari nervously stood in line with her mom and best friend Dannie. With thousands of other people. In the middle of New York City. Fun times.

  Rosa Lilly P.O.V.

     " I'm so bored! " I complained. The truth was I wasn't actually bored. I was just really nervous, and jittery and all that crap, which just makes me want to pee in my pants and I am thinking to myself in a run on sentence. Dear Lord, I'm losing it.

      "How can you be bored? We brought like, all your crap. " Dannie said.

      "That is...TRUE!" I say in my announcer voice. Cos I'm cool like that.Yeah. :)

        OH YEAH!! I forgot to tell you why I'm here! In the Middle of New York City! Well, once upon a time- JK JK I WONT GIVE YOU ANY OF THAT SHIT. Teehee....excuse my immaturity. Which is awesome.

     So back to my previous thingy I was talking about...K so here it goes- So basically I'm trying out for The X Factor USA! Season 2, to be precise. Right now I'm 14. You're probably wondering why I'm not trying out for American Idol. Well A( because I'd have to wait another year, and I'm just too impatient for that. Hell, I'm too impatient to stand in this line/que thingy and B( Well guess what? American Idol doesn't have Simon Cowell. Simon Cowell seems like one cool dude. Unless you piss him off. Then. You. Are. Screwed. Happy days!

    " I have an idea!" I yelled out, getting several glares from people. " You brought your viola, right?" I asked Dannie.

     " Yeah you made me, remember genius?" She said,laughing.

      Ignoring her remark, I said " Well I brought my violin. Let's do this poo!"

      We began to unpack, rosin, and tune our instruments, collecting many stares from onlookers.

      " What song should we play?" I ask Dannie. We think in silence. Suddenly, we both have a lightbulb moment.We turn to face each other and at the same time squeal, " Call Me Maybe!" We grab our instruments and stand up to play. " 1, 2, 3, and!"

   Then we began to play, creating a crowd. Soon everyone began to notice the infamous tune and began to sing and dance. One guy even started playing it on his guitar...sweet.

                                                                        * 5 hours later*

   " OH MY GOD WE ARE FINALLY IN THE STUPID BUILDING." I say making an entrance.

     " ROSA LILLY. CALM DOWN." My mother exclaims. Dannie begins to laugh at me.

      " Oh what you laughin at, gurllllll??" I saisd using my ghetto accent. Which was probably a bad idea, cos alot of people here have ghetto accents. Whoops.

 Well anyways if your wondering, yes, it took us 5 hours to get inside.Fml.

     I walked over to registration, and well, registered. No, actually I bought a pony. I wish.

    OH HOW I WISH THAT WAS ME! Btw  I'm a directioner. You hating? THEY SEE ME ROWING, THEY BE HATINGGGGG. K, we're good.

  After a billion paperworks to sign ( which I read none of), we went to go sit in the audience.

  After watching auditions that made us laugh our asses off ( What, the rest of the audience was too!) and auditions that were so beautiful made me cry ( I tend to be a bit over emotional sometimes), my group was called to the waiting room.

   To be honest, right then and there I peed my pants a little. JK, JK!! But I do get a little gassy when I'm nervous...

    I stood up to go. Dannie and my mom did too. Dannie came up to me and hugged me. " Now Lilly, when you get on stage don't scare the judges. K? K. But seriously, I know you'll do fine." She smiles. I smile back and we bro hug. Yes we are females and we bro hug. Be jelly.

    Next up was my mom. My mom was the person I am closest to in my whole life. We had dozens of late night chats about...well everything. I told her everything too. Once my ex-friend Fay teased me about it, that I didn't hide anything from her. It didn't hurt me. Cos deep down I knew she wished she had somthing like that in her life. I pitied Fay. Notice the past tense.

     My mom and I hugged for what seemed like the longest time. I knew Dannie was beginning to feel awkward standing there alone,so I pulled away.

    " Rosa Lilly, I want you to get up on that stage and do your best. Even if you don't get put through, just remember we're here for you." She said sincerely. By we, I knew she meant Dannie, Ali (My older brother) and Dad. Ali wasn't here because he's a lazy ass. And I love him for that. My Dad wasn't here because of work obviously. I didn't really care, we were never that close.

 My mom kisses my forehead and I say goodbye and hugged both of them. "Ummm Lilly, you do realize we can come with you." Dannie says.

     "...Oh." I say awkwardly blushing. " Welp, we better get going then, right?" I say and begin to run away.

   " WAIT FOR US!!!! "  Dannie screams. I laugh and then we begin to walk towards the audition that would change my life forever.

   Anddddddd Chapter 1 is done! Well actually not really. My mom's yelling me to get off so I'll post the next part later this week!

Oh yeah, also Im trying to make this story as similar as possible to this season's X Factor USA, but im going to have to switch around a couple of things, such as audition venues! So yes, I know this season they didnt go to NYC. I'll tell you whenever i change something!

But look out for actual people who are on this season X Factor, such as the fab Jill Jensen who I promise will  be a part of this story! Man, I love Jill Jensen! :D

And yes Dannie, I know you cant play an instrument.

Well anyways, till next week my fab little bunnies! (dont ask me...)

 xx Niki


K bai for real now!

xx Niki :)

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