Rosa Lilly's Audition Pt 2

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    Im so sorry I didnt update yesterday, but my parents wanted to take me out, and when we got home my brother managed to get on the computer before me. Ergh...

Well I'm updating now! YAY!


Still Rosa Lilly P.O.V

     I began to walk onstage, feeling more adrenaline then nerves. I feel like I just had 5 coke flavored slurpees...yum.:)                                              

 " Hello, what's your name?" Asked Simon.

 " Rosa Lilly Nazari!" I say energetically. Holy shoot, I'm talking to Simon Cowell. MINDBLOWN.

 " Your name is pretty." Demi tells me. Simon rolls his eyes. " Thank you!" I said laughing. I just got a compliment from a celebrity. One more thing to check off my list!

 " So what song will you be singing for us today?" Simon asks.

" I'm going to sing Mean Girls by Rachel Crow." I reply.

"And what would you do with the 5 million dollars if you won?"

" I dont think we'll have time for that." I said honestly. This collected a few chuckles from the audience and the judging panel.

" Okay sweetie, you can begin now."  Britney says, giving me an encouraging smile. Simon ques for music and  I  stood standing centerstage ready to sing.

 Do you ever go to lunch with no one by your side

Cause the moment you arrive they leave the table

Calling me everything but my name

Need I remind you again just call me Rachel

How would you feel if you running home crying

Lock yourself in your room, don't want anyone to see ya

While everyone's having fun outside, and you're telling yourself

I won't let it get to me no more

I don't wanna feel this way

I can't believe I let it go so far

No no, it's not okay

What do you know about me?

Do you wanna know what I think?

Mean girls, mean girls

I'm a just comb you outta my curls

Mean girls, mean girls

You no longer run my world

Mean girls, mean girls

I'm a just comb you outta my curls

Who do you think you are

Loud mouth, cafeteria star

Maybe somebody was cruel to you

So you think that's what you're supposed to do

One day, it might be you

When you need a friend, but you no longer cool

When everyone leaves when you walk in the room

I just hope they forgive you

I won't let it get to me no more

I don't wanna feel this way

I can't believe I let it go so far

No no, it's not okay

What do you know about me?

Do you wanna know what I think?

Mean girls, mean girls

I'm a just comb you outta my curls

Mean girls, mean girls

You no longer run my world

Mean girls, mean girls

I'm a just comb you outta my curls

Mean girls, mean girls

You no longer run my world

 The crowd was cheering and most of the audience was on their feet. All of the judges were smiling. Me? I was probably grinning like an idiot.         

LA put his hand up to silence the audience. " Well... we certainly didn't expect that to come out of you, young lady." He finally says. That sends the the crowd into more clapping and cheering. I could even hear a couple of whistles here and there. I was blushing so hard, but I was having so much fun that even if I didn't get through the smile on my face would stay there for days.

" LA is right. We definitely didn't expect that." Demi said a bit incredulously.

" Is that a good thing?" I ask shyly. Everyone laughed.

" But Rosa Lilly, when you sang that song, I felt as if you weren't just singing. It felt very emotional, as if there was something behind it all." Said Simon. Wow, didnt know he could be that deep.

I sigh. It was going to come up sooner or later. Might as well say it now.

" That's right. Last year, I was bullied so much, I had to change schools. It was getting so bad that the thought of suicide actually came to my head a couple of times." When I said this, a look of disbelief washed over the faces of the judges.

" That year I didn't have any friends, except for my best friend Dannie. She was always there for me. I've known her since kindergarten, and after all we've been through, I'd rather call her a sister than a friend." I finished a bit teary-eyed. I looked to the wings and saw Dannie standing there giving me a huge smile.

"Is she here right now?" Demi asked. "Yeah, actually she's standing in the wings." 

" Dannie, can you come out here please?" Demi asked politely.

Someone from stagecrew hands her a microphone, and she shyly walks onto the stage.

" Dannie, I want to thank you for sticking by Rosa Lilly. Who knows, maybe if you hadn't she might not even be standing here today. You are literally a life-saver." Demi finishes. " Thanks." Dannie says shyly into her microphone, blushing.

" Okay well, I think it's time to vote now." Said Simon. " LA, start us off?"

"Yes." "Of course yes." "Definetly yes." "Congratsulations Rosa Lilly, you have 4 yesses. You're going to bootcamp!"

Dannie and I started hugging each other asnd screaming so hard we ended up on the floor. Once we got back up, I said into the microphone," Thank you so,so much! I won't let you down!"

" Yeah,yeah, yeah, just come down here and hug me." Demi said standing up and smiling. Dannie and I  ran off the stage and hugged all four judges. I thanked them all again. This was probably the best thing that's happened to me so far.

    I believe everyone goes on one life changing adventure. I think this one might be mine.


I hoped you liked it! Sorry that this chapter wasn't really funny, but I'm using the auditions so you guys get a feel for what the characters are like. The next 5 chapters  are all going to be auditions for the rest of my main characters, but after that the story will really start to begin! IM SO EXCITED!! :D

Also you guys probably don't recognize the song, or Rachel Crow. I f you saw the X Factor last year, you'll know that she got 5th place! I love her voice so much, she sounds like mini freaking Beyonce!! The songs I picked for the next characters are much more recognizable.

Oh and sorry if you see any spelling mistakes that I missed!

Thanks for reading!

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