~:Chapter Three - Operation:~

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Zexion, Demyx, Terra and Vanitas were ushered into their cell block by Kadaj, scowls on their faces as they saw several fold out beds lined up against the walls. Judging by the look of the mattresses on the beds, which happened to look paper thin, they wouldn't be getting much sleep at all. Next to the beds, connected to the walls, were large chains with a single handcuff attached to the end of each one.

The sight of this made Vanitas scowl even more as he rolled his eyes and looked down at the bracelet on his right hand. He needed to figure out a way to get this stupid thing off so he could get to his brother and out of this place. Being separated from Sora was enough to put him on edge and everyone in the group knew not to get in his way when he was mad.

"What are the handcuffs for?" Terra spoke up, turning around to face Kadaj.

Just the look on this guy's face was enough to make Terra, Zexion and Vanitas want to punch him. "To keep you where you're supposed to be." Kadaj explained, moving towards Demyx and pushing him towards one of the beds, forcing him to sit on it. Once Demyx was seated, Kadaj grabbed his arm and pulled it towards the chain and handcuff before closing the handcuff tightly around Demyx's wrist.

"OW!" he cried out, shooting a glare towards Kadaj. "Asshole." He muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Kadaj hissed, leaning towards Demyx's face, narrowing his eyes at him.

"You heard me." Demyx replied. Anger surged through Kadaj as he swung his fist and punched Demyx in his lower jaw. He cried out in pain again.

"Hey!" Terra called out as he made his way towards Kadaj in order to defend Demyx, but Zexion held out an arm to stop him as Kadaj had turned quickly and pulled a gun on Terra.

"If any of you cause trouble I won't hesitate to shoot," Kadaj stated, looking towards each of them, continuing to point the gun in Terra's direction. "You next." Kadaj said, motioning with his gun for Terra to move to a bed.

Reluctantly, Terra made his way towards a bed and lowered himself onto it, already hating how close it was to the floor. Letting out an exhausted sigh, he didn't flinch when Kadaj grabbed his arm and handcuffed his wrist to the chain connected to the wall.

Satisfied with himself, Kadaj let a smirk appear on his face as he turned to face Zexion who had already sat down on the bed and handcuffed himself. With a look of distaste on his face, Zexion looked towards Kadaj, staring him down until Kadaj looked away and towards an angry Vanitas.

"What are you planning to do with my brother?" Vanitas asked, his glare intensifying as Kadaj let out a small laugh.

"Well, that all depends now, doesn't it?" Kadaj answered as he made his way towards Vanitas.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" Vanitas hissed.

"Your brother is a special one, isn't he?" Kadaj asked as he shoved Vanitas towards one of the beds. "Due to him being special, he will receive special treatment." Kadaj explained, pushing Vanitas over the edge as he shoved him again.

Vanitas spun and threw a punch in Kadaj's direction only to miss terribly as he dodged his punch and swiftly pulled another gun out of his hip holster, aiming it right between Vanitas' eyes. Breathing heavily, Vanitas slowly held up his hands as he turned around, made his way towards the bed and sat down on top of it, waiting for Kadaj to come and handcuff him.

"That's a good boy." Kadaj said as he handcuffed Vanitas. When walking away, he was sure to keep the gun pointed at Vanitas' head.

"I swear..." Vanitas began, looking towards Kadaj, his amber eyes glowing with anger as he did so. "If any harm comes to Sora, I will snap your neck... that's a promise."

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