~:Chapter Four - The Keeper:~

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The four girls had heard the gunshot, uneasiness in all of their stomachs as they sat on their beds discussing with each other what might have happened.

Rikku suggested that it was an accidental gun shot and that whoever had shot the gun wasn't aiming or shooting at anyone or anything in particular. Yuna wanted to believe that, and it was almost plausible considering there was only one gun shot, but that could also mean that if they were aiming at someone they only used one shot to take them down.

Yuffie on the other hand openly stated that it was probably someone from the group who had been shot, with Aerith agreeing. The two didn't see the point in trying to cover up an option that was more likely to happen in their current situation. The four knew of their impending deaths and whilst they had all agreed to try and continue to look on the bright side, they all knew it was going to be impossible.

They had been separated from their group and the next few days was going to bring them nothing but torture and pain before their lives came to an abrupt end. They could only hope that their deaths would be quick and painless.

"How long do you think we're going to be stuck here?" Yuna asked, looking at the three other girls. "You know, before they kill us..."

Shrugging her shoulders, Rikku lay down on her bed, keeping her back to the wall so she was still facing the girls. "Who knows? But I'm not going down without a fight." She stated, earning a nod from Aerith and Yuffie.

"They think they can just take us all down without a problem? They've got another thing coming!" Yuffie exclaimed as she cracked her knuckles, a smirk on her face as she looked towards Aerith.

"We stick together till the very end..." Aerith concluded, the girls nodding and smiling towards one another before the smiles were wiped from their faces as the doors to their cell block opened and a large man walked inside.

"Which one of you is Aerith?" the man asked, making the girls fall silent as they kept their gazes on him. Letting out an aggravated sigh due to their silence, Lexaeus stepped forward and held up his hand, revealing a key that would be able to unlock their handcuffs. "I need to take Aerith to the medical block as one of your friends has been shot." He explained, instantly making the four girls look towards Aerith as she let out a small gasp.

"Whose been shot?" she asked, standing from her bed and holding out her arm with the chain around her wrist.

Making his way over to her, Lexaeus unlocked the handcuff and motioned for her to follow him out of the cell block. "Your friend, Vanitas." He stated.

"Damn it, Vanitas." She said under her breath before leaving the cell block in order to follow Lexaeus.

As she left, the other girls stayed frozen in place. Vanitas had been shot, which really wasn't a surprise to them considering Vanitas would do something stupid enough as to get himself shot, but they weren't sure if they were even going to see Aerith again. For all they knew, Aerith could be walking straight into her death and the story of Vanitas being shot could just be something they made up in order to make her leave.

"What do we do?" Yuna asked, never taking her eyes away from the door.

"There's nothing we can do..." Rikku muttered, even though she was looking for a way to break out of the handcuff.

"They will kill us if we try anything." Yuffie explained.

"So we wait?" Yuna asked, earning a nod from the other two girls.

"We wait." The two said at the same time as an uncomfortable silence filled the room.


Vanitas fell silent and his body went limp, causing the four boys holding him to panic as you continued digging around inside of Vanitas' wound looking for the bullet.

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