Chapter 16: I Can't Control Their Fear

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The next few days were pretty uneventful for Wanda. She noticed that the rest of the team currently wasn't at the compound, and that it was just her and Vision, which she didn't really mind. It was less people to explain her current situation to, so she was grateful for the solitude. She didn't really do anything within the past few days; she mostly stayed in her room reading a book or watching TV. Vision came every so often, bringing her food and convincing her to play chess with him (he always won).

Wanda sat in the common room across from Vision, chess board them. Most of Wanda's white pieces had been captured by Vision's black pieces and sat close to him on his side of the table. Wanda laughed as Vision made his move, capturing her last rook. He looked up at her as he moved her piece off the board, giving her a warm smile.

"You aren't that good at this game, are you?" he asked her playfully, Wanda's smile growing bigger.

"Well, it is hard when you're playing against a literal computer," she replied cocking her head to the side, her words dripping with the same level of playfulness. Vision laughed at her response as he watched her, waiting for her move. Wanda looked at the board and her pieces. Most of her pawns were gone as were her two rooms, one bishop, and her knights. Her queen sat in the middle of the board, diagonal from his one rook. She wanted to move her queen and take his rook as revenge for him taking hers, and when she went to move her queen, she noticed Vision's head flinch.

"What?" she asked him, still smiling.

"I don't think that would be the best move," he said as he looked at the board.

Wanda looked between him and the board as an idea formed in her head. She moved her hand away from her queen and moved it over to her last bishop, looking at Vision's face. Upon seeing her movement, his face contorted into uncertainty. She once again moved her hand and brought it over to one of her pawns, the one closest to his king. Vision's face didn't flinch as it had before, and Wanda took that as her go-ahead to move. She moved her pawn up one space, moving it to the same level as Vision's king.

"Good move," he commented as he looked at the board, working out which piece to move. His red hand moved towards his queen and a big grin was plastered on his face. Wanda frowned slightly at his sudden change, confusion sweeping through her. Vision grasped his queen and dragged the piece across the board and dramatically knocked over Wanda's queen.

Wanda's mouth hung open in shock as the A.I. took her queen away to his side of the table. Once he stood it next to all the other piece he captured, he looked over at Wanda, smiling victoriously as he playfully challenged her to make her move. Wanda, getting over the shock of losing her most powerful piece, sighed as she looked at the board. She was going to lose.

"You know I've already mentally given up, right?" she asked Vision as she tried to concentrate.

"Oh, come on. You still have a chance. You're not defeated yet; fight till the last man." Wanda made her move, moving the same pawn as before one space forward, making it reach the end of the board. Vision looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Which piece do you want?"

"What do you mean?" Vision explained to her that if a pawn reached the opponent's side of the board, the player can promote their pawn for any other piece of its color besides the king. Wanda smiled, happy by the surprise and chose her queen. Vision swapped out the pawn for the queen, placing it gently on the same square.

The game lasted a little longer, though Vision was still the winner, but Wanda didn't care. She smiled proudly at her friend, congratulating him on his victory. They spent the rest of the day together, playing different games and reading books; just enjoying each other's company.

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