Chapter 20: On the Run

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After multiple hours on board the Quinjet, they had finally landed. Natasha lowered the hatch and everyone piled out, staring out into the empty desert that was their destination. Claire turned sharply and looked at the redhead.

"Where the hell are we?" she asked, growing a little annoyed. Natasha frowned at her and raised an eyebrow.

"We're in Apache Junction, Arizona," she said tilting her head. "What, were you expecting something like New York?"

Claire let out a low growl. Wanda saw her eyes change to a lighter color purple and she grabbed her hand and pulled the woman away from Natasha.

"It's okay," Wanda whispered to her.

"I don't trust her," Claire whispered back, looking back at Natasha.


"She sided with Stark. She's part of the reason why we were in the awful place—part of the reason why you have that," Claire pointed to Wanda's scar on her neck from the collar. Wanda brought her hand up and covered the scar, rubbing her neck subconsciously. Seeing this, Claire, softened her gaze and tone. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay," Wanda said giving her a smile. "You don't have to worry. Natasha's a friend. She was just doing what she thought was right, and besides, after what she's done I expect that they're after her as well as us. We need to stick together."

Claire sighed, knowing that Wanda was right. She looked back at Natasha one final time, debating whether or not to apologize. Realization dawned on Wanda, freezing her core. She stepped away from Claire for a moment and walked back over to Steve and Natasha.

"Is there a phone anywhere? I need to call Jemma." Steve and Natasha looked at each other as they also remembered the young woman who was probably worried sick by now.

Wanda felt horrible for not contacting her sooner, especially knowing that Jemma tried everything she could to reach Wanda. The two ex-Avengers didn't know of Wanda's sneaking out of the apartment before her recruitment. Clint was the only one who knew, and she was thankful for that.

Finding the small town of San Pedro a couple of miles from where they were, the team headed there in search of food, a motel, and a phone. It didn't take long for them to reach the town, and lucky for Wanda, there was a payphone outside of the motel that they decided to stay in. Steve gave her a bunch of quarters that he just happened to have with him (Wanda didn't know why, and she didn't ask), and she placed the amount needed to make a call into the machine before dialing Jemma's cell number. Claire came and stood next to her, watching Wanda visibly panic as she waited for the person she was calling to pick up. She didn't speak, but placed a hand on her shoulder, adding a little bit of force, keeping her from bouncing her leg.

Wanda waited, her anxiety rising as she heard the phone ring. Come on, Jemma. Pick up. Pick up, come on. Wanda let out a frustrated groan when Jemma didn't pick up, and she imputed more quarters into the phone and dialed again. This time Jemma's voice sounded through the phone.

"Hello?" Jemma's tired voice said into her phone.

"Jemma?" Wanda asked, feeling nervous. There was a pause on the other line, but Wanda could hear the little gasp that Jemma let out at hearing her voice.

"...Wanda? Is it really you? I swear if this is a trick..."

"No, it's really me, Jemma." Jemma let out a little sob.

"How are you even calling me? I thought you were arrested."

"Steve came and got me out. Listen Jemma, I need you to do something for me."

"After the shit you pulled? Why should I do anything for you? You know how worried I was when I woke up and saw you were gone with no note, no text, nothing. Then Clint comes looking for you, and..."

"Jemma, please. I know what I did was wrong, but please, I need you to listen to me."


"I need you to run away with me."

"Run away with you? You're crazy." Jemma scoffed.

"Please, Jemma. The government is after us, and they'll be after you too. You're not safe. We can protect you, just...please listen to me," Wanda said pleading. "Look, I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry, I really am, but allow me to make it right. If something happened to you Jemma because of me, I could never forgive myself. Please. I need you to come with us."

Wanda waited for Jemma's response. Jemma was silent for a few moments, and Wanda held her breath as the anxiety set in again. Finally, Jemma's voice rang through the phone.


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