Death's Plan

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"Yes, have you been aware of the Alex Browning case?"-A TV reporter asked.
"That was a man who fought hard against death, yet he was another victim; Death isn't a fair opponent"-The man said sarcastically.

The television was quickly turned off; Sophia didn't want the negative notations of any kind while she prepared to meet up with some friends.
"Make sure you bring everything, the hotel I rented is for at least a week" Sophia screamed to her sister. Her sister, Hannah was rushing because Sophia and Hannah had the same friend group so this was a trip for both of them.
After screaming at Hannah, Sophia grabbed her keys then walked out the door. Hannah then rushed out quickly after. Sophia and Hannah both had to catch a bus, they both didn't qualify for their driver licenses yet! So when they arrived on the bus Sophia took out some headphones; While Hannah sat dazing in the sky. Sophia was listening to a podcast, that was about one survivor of death; Kimberly Corman, a college student who was able to cheat death.
More negativity started to swarm her brain, Sophia just started gazing until it's was time for her to get off the bus. When they reached their destination, Sophia and Hannah stepped off the bus; There were their friends waiting for them.
Elijah, A natural blond boy he was Sophia's boyfriend who they have been together for 3 years. Abraham, was Hannah's bestfriend. Isaiah and Mia were standing together and taking selfies
"Babe you're so cute!" Said Isaiah; Amelia was a girl who was standing alone, she noticed the friend group and tried to ignore them but they were really excited to see each other.
"Guys we need to hurry for check-in!" Urged Sophia who was heading to the train. The group quickly followed. They walked and hurry and got on the train, the seats was in three's.
So Sophia placed her bags down and sat next to a window, she sat next to Elijah and Hannah sat next to Elijah. Isaiah and Mia next to each to in the next row to Sophia, Hannah, and Elijah. There were no other seats, so
Amelia was forced next to Isaiah and Mia.
Sophia started to notice cracks in the train's path, she then noticed a train track missing. But she didn't care "multiple people has survived this train" Sophia thought.
        Abraham sat in a seat behind Sophia, Elijah, and Hannah.
       "Yo you guys ready!" Abraham said in excitement.
The train began to take off, nothing happened in for the next ten minutes; Suddenly a loud boom is heard in the front of the train. Mia quickly got up to investigate because she dropped her phone, out of nowhere Mia fell on the ground and slip to the front of the train.
"Mia!!" Isaiah screamed. The train became very sturdy and hard to do anything; Sophia hurried and looked out the window and saw a missing piece from the wood holding the tracks, Isaiah went to run after Mia who fell off the plane already.
He looked for her outside when he opened the train's door the train got past the unsupported wood piece, but sadly Isaiah met his demise when a piece of the cardboard that cut his throat and caused him to fall out and land in the water.
Amelia ran to the back of the train so she could avoid her demise; then half of the train was separated with her on the wrong end of the train. She and the other passengers was unconnected from the moving part then they all died from a falling tree.
    Abraham got up as his seat got sucked up by the air's pressure; He fell after Amelia met her demise. He held on a piece of the train that haven't been touched... yet! His feet got grabbed by a piece of the railroad's wood, he then let go of the train after the railroad pressure pulled him off the train. He met his demise after he got stuck and got ran over by another train.
     "No!!!!" He screamed after his demise.
    Sophia was afraid because this was horrible three of her friends are dead, she then tried to take control of the train then it started to make a spark. Hannah was helping her until she met her demise when a flying window pane cut her in half.
Elijah was helping other people calm down then the air suction from the missing part of the train sucked him out and he flew at high speeds and hit a following train and his insides was on the other train's window.
Sophia started crying as she saw her last friend die to this disaster, she was able to fix the path and everyone felt a hint of relief. Until another train coming in the way came and crashed into the train that Sophia was on.
"AHHHH" Sophia screamed loudly and caught the attention of the whole train. This raised suspicion in Sophia's full group.
"This train is going to crash" Sophia said loudly looking for the evidence she saw before. She saw the same evidence from before and urged her group to get off with her.
"Kick her off! Kick her off!" The train started chanting. Sophia got up and was leaving the train, Elijah, Isaiah, Mia, Hannah, Abraham, and Amelia all quickly started following.
"Stop it, or they will die!" Sophia urged on more time. She and her group hurried and got off. They all watched as the train took off without them.
"See nothing is happening" Mia said.
"Wait for it" Sophia said.
The train started to catch fire and fifteen seconds later exploded.
The whole group was in shock; even Sophia for not being able to save them.
Sophia fell to the ground feeling defeated in not able to save the innocent people.
To be continued ....

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