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WILLOW DIARY : how to have my final callback..... 🤔🤔

Ever wondered why people are so fake ???? Like really we humans are worst than street barbaric rabies infested dogs like wtf?  Really pathetic,  still don't get the whole idea behind it. Okay you see a girl doing all nice you walk into her life and be like hey, nice hair and try fake compliments to get into his / head and from there is a full time subscription to fake friendship and favours if you can walk out of this be grateful.
Basically tired of the opposite gender really,  you really see the guys here are the worst,  never meant an ideal type which can at least match 2 of my ideal description or imagination of  the man of imagination.
Terrible set of humans,  still remembered the deal I made with zack or zach whatever his name is 🙄 but whatever,  ain't planning on losing ( phone rings)
Jade: Wil, hey can you come by the hospital asap
WILLOW: why,
Jade: Cass is  having a minor issue
WILLOW:I'll be there

30 minutes later

Jade: wil,
WILLOW: how is she
Jade : really bad, she had a major overdose and she had a serious injury  seems like she wanted to commit suicide,  have you noticed any strange behaviour
WILLOW: No, am really shocked about this , she has been fine taking her medicine and doing well at school
Jade : this time it's serious,  I guess will have to take her to the mental institution it's really getting out of hand
WILLOW:  can I see her
Jade: she's still in the ER, they won't let me see her

Cass story

WILLOW: when Cass was a little girl, she always wanted a pink glittery pony with a bow, she was a loud outgoing girl in high school lost her virginity to Logan the captain of the basketball team, he liked her but they never dated,  because she was the nerdy type of girl who did not believe in love , very religious and had a lot of friends, mostly the real friends are the high school friends,  she was majorly bullied by boys,  made a public mess due to the fact her sex Video leaked,  she cried and couldn't live to her expectation ,before she fell in love with another, 
Well falling in love the second time didn't work,  I guess the term love wasn't meant for her that word preys on her emotions
2 days ago.......
Cass: I wanna go for this party, I really met this guy today at history class we totally made out
Mia: how was he like
Cass: he was tall huge ooh I remembered his name now Jason,  he's really hot
Mia : you mean Jason the hot basket baller you're going to places ,what about ur ex Cole
Cass: we are really doing good, we talk and I don't know am not still over him
WILLOW: how about you go back to him then, I don't even know why you dated him the first place
Mia: you're always sober you sour pus, I guess you won't understand  you don't actually deal with men
WILLOW: at least am not some hungover idiot who's boyfriend rejected at the parking lot , I guess you were in your knees begging for his dick
Cass: will, that's enough,  I want to  have the best time of my life tonight
WILLOW: enjoy your youthful pleasures.. (leaves)
Mia: don't listen to her ur gonna be the talk of the party with this killer outfit of yours
Cass: you're the best

Party time

Cass: hey , Jason
Jason: hi, ur cass ryt
Cass: yeah we met
Jason: we had a random stand am sorry,  I was majorly messed up that day
Cass: I  didn't know that
Jason: meet my girlfriend Trina
Trina: hey sugar cakes ( she kisses Jason)
Jason: Trina meet cass my
Trina: one of your rebounds you should  have introduced me to her a long time ago.
Cass: what, excuse me
Jason: you've had a lot tonight Trinny booo, why don't you wait upstairs for me
Trina: okay hun( she grabs his dick and leaves)
Jason: am sorry you found out this way
Cass : I can't believe this,  you brought me out here for this unbelievable
Jason: you know I have feelings for you,  you know that
( willows voice in the scene)
WILLOW: basically every guy who wanna bang you quick and show off to his friends is going tell you that
Cass: I can't believe this
(WILLOW comes into the scene)
WILLOW: I should I have been here earlier,  he is lying I know you want to believe him deep down, he's lying you know it he's gonna tell you things like his gonna change and such it's all lies,I won't let you to him, he has his bitch up there
Jason: who is she
WILLOW: you want to  really know( WILLOW draws the attention of the crowd)
Am sorry cassie you have to find out this way, wanna know who I am Jason am the Same bitch screwing this chick that's here, am her bestie I love her deeply and I won't let you treat her like a damn sex object,  oh by the way I fucked ur little sis In middle school
Ur a fucking peodophile, I have a Video of you going down on ya sis ryt here,  still wanna know this bitchh, am your nightmare that's gonna hunt you down and kill you, oh I hacked your phone and I wanna show the real monster you are,  here's the text of how you said your gonna pound cass in the ass like ur ex
( Cass leaves)
Am out ( WILLOW leaves and goes after cass)
Cass: leave me alone ( Sobs) and runs away
Present day

WILLOW : cass am sorry if you can hear me
Jade: she need some rest.
WILLOW: I'll be outside if she wakes up
Jade : go home and get some rest
WILLOW: am not leaving her side
Jade: I can't force you to leave,  but I trust your care for my sister your like family ( she leaves)
40 minutes later

WILLOW: what are you trying to do,  wtf is going on here somebody tell me for christ sakes
Doctor: calm down
WILLOW: tell me what's wrong with cassie
Doctor: cassie..... we tried our best but she didn't make it
WILLOW: ( tears rolls down from her eyes) cassie.....
Doctor:  I need you to step outside please,
Did I tell you about the fact that cassie ran away from her real parents as a little kid , before she moved to Chicago to stay with her sister jade , she had a rough life really  and willow couldn't say goodbye or tell her how she feels,  I guess time wasn't on her side now..
     Poor child, I wonder how this story is gonna unfold in the next chapter.
  We are gonna miss you cassie really the only chick that could keep WILLOW sane😢😭😭😭😭😔😞😩☹ please like,  hit the vote button and comment please guys😘 the next chapter is coming up soon.

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