My only sunshine~

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The dawn broke over the horizon and soft beams of sunshine peeked through the curtains and enveloped the room in a cozy aura.

'You are my Sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are grey
You never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine, away~'

A pleasant calming song began playing and slowly the occupants of the room woke up to it. It was quite a nice way to wake up in the morning.

The girl, opened up her eyes and stretched with a wide yawn. Then she looked at the time and turned off the alarm.

Her eyes unconsciously wandered onto a lump on the coach. She somehow felt like the her brownie was awake, and couldn't shake off this thought.

She cautiously got down from the bed and wore her fluffy bunny slippers and walked closer curiously to her brownie.

She gently pulled over the blanket, and found a pair of well shut eyes, that refused to open up.

She stared at them for a long while and finally whispered, "Good morning." Next to brownie's ear.

It's been so long.. she actually had someone to wish after waking up. It somehow made her happy and brightened up her mood.

The lump on the couch twitched slightly and hastily hurried to cover his ears that had traces of shades of light pink.

Then, continued to remain motionless, and even turned away from her.

Now, her patience was being tested. Veins bulged on her forehead as she in a swift movement pulled the blanket open.

Then, a pair of big black panda eyes that was Misty from having woken up were staring back at her.

She, 'why do I suddenly feel like I'm bullying this boy?'

She let go of the blanket and apologized just because she felt like it. Then, she began studying her brownie's looks.

He had fluffy brown hair, a pair of Misty black eyes, a button nose and soft looking lips. Her heart raced and couldn't refrain from touching it.

Her slender fingers delicately traced his lips that made both of them stunned.

"I-i'm sorry." She embarrassedly withdrew her hand and apologized once again.

'it really is very soft..' she thought as she confirmed her previous thoughts.

After a short pause, the boy just smiled and said, "it's alright." However his face and ears were tinted with pink

She smiled back at him, but noticing his face unusually red face, she put her hand on his forehead and checked for his temperature.

"It's hot, let's call the doc over?" She asked worriedly as she looked at him and thought he was perhaps, running a fever.

"N-no need." He stuttered and hid his face behind his hands.

'Ah.. what's happening, where am I and what's with this young lady before me?' he thought and peeked through his fingers to see her.

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