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Hoseok, the poor boy limps back to his home, after getting a taxi home, he's thankful they had taxies available at this time at night, otherwise he'll have to walk all the way back.

The first thing, when Hoseok got home was all of his members sitting in the living, their heads in their hands and some biting their nails.

They all stand up, deep in concern as they stare at the boy infront of them.

Hoseok was about to shrug them off and walk to his room, but someone grabs his wrist tightly, pulling him back.

"Hoseok, we need to talk, now"Yoongi says his voice stern and firm as he speaks, making panic rise in Hoseok, what could it be that they have to be so serious?

"Hoseok, where were you?"Yoongi asks with a demanding voice making the younger stammer out lies.

"I-I toldbyou hyung, I-I went to the shop to b-b-"

"Hoseok, tell me the truth right now"Yoongi says more like growls making the younger try to yank his wrist away from the bruising grasp of the elder but Yoongi simply tightens it making the younger wince.

"H-Hyung, you're h-hurting me"Hoseok whimpers and Yoongi worriedly looks at him.

"Hoseok, tell me please, where were you!?"Yoongi this time screams making all of them flinch at the sudden outburst.

"I-I told yo-"

"Really, there are no supermarkets open at this time, Hoseok tell me the truth"Yoongi says with a warning look on his face.

When Yoongi doesn't earn a response from the younger, he pulls the phone in his pocket out making Hoseok's eyes to widen in shock and panic.

"Hoseok, who is this man?"Yoongi asks with his head tilted and the device in his hands full on display, making Hoseok swallow thickly.

"Hobi, please"Namjoon this time pressures making the other male look at him with teary eyes.

"Hoseok, please tell me, does this man hurt you?"Yoongi asks his voice soft this time, making the younger just stay still, and let his tears out.

"Say something dammit!"

"Y-Yes"Hoseok stammers out in fright making Yoongi's eyes to widen, along with the others.

"T-Tell me Hoseok, who is he?"

"I-I can't hyung, I-I can't"Hoseok whimpers out making Yoongi soften his grip.

"Hoseok, you have to, we can help you"Namjoon soothes making Hoeeok shake his head.

"H-He'll hurt y-you, I-I can't"

"Who will hurt us baby, tell me, I promise nothing will happen to us or you"Yoongi says and Hoseok sniffles beginning to fully cry.

"N-N-I can't"

"I promise Hoseok, I promise he'll never hurt you or any of us"Yoongi says as the rest watch with blurry and sad eyes, their usual cheerful and bright member so sad and dull.

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