Love At First Sight!? - (Chapter 15)

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The next day, a student was seen walking to school with a group of friends. Everything seemed alright till they got stopped by a group of bullies. One of the bullies knocked the student's books out their hands before grabbing them by their shirt collar. "Hey you!" yelled Tord as he came up to the scene. "Hey what? Can't you see that I'm in the middle of something? I'll be more happy to punch you in face after I put some sense into this nerd" said the bully. "Not on my watch" said Tord.

Tord then strikes a t-pose making the bully's eyes widen in fear as they let go of the student before running away. The rest of bullies who were in shock also ran away. "Are you guys okay?" asked Tord. "Oh my god, you just saved our lives. Thank you" said the student. "Oh it's nothing. I'm a member of the Hellscape High safety patrol and it's my job to rid this place of bullies" said Tord. "Sweet! Care to join us for a get together for the formation of amine and science club along wigh robotics team?" asked student.

"Sure! By the way do you guys read......hentai?" asked Tord. "Of course we do!" said the student. "Awesome! Where should I meet you guys?" asked Tord. "Ever heard of a place called the Galaxcia? We're planning on meeting there at 5 p.m" said the student. "Sounds good. I'll be seeing you guys later then" said Tord.

[At The Front Entrance]

"I never knew wearing uniforms can make you look good. I mean look at this, I'm fabulous!" said Matt. "Oh why are standing out in the front entrance?" asked Tom. "Mr. Smith told us to keep guard because there's one student that loves to put people in headlocks" said Edd. "Oh I see. It doesn't seem that they'll show up" said Tom. "Or maybe they will. We just need to stay focus while we show off these golden badges" said Marcus. A few minutes have passed and nothing came.

"Where's Tord when you need him? We could use some of his jokes" said Hellucard. "I think he's still keeping watch off of campus to make sure that no one's getting hurt" said Billy. Three minutes have passed and again nothing came. Eventually everyone expect for Edd went inside the school hoping to meet up with Tord. "Seriously guys? You didn't have to leave me out here in opening like this. You do realize that I only have one good arm right?" asked Edd. "Umm....hello there" said a voice which sounded feminine. Edd looks up to see a girl with blue hair wearing a grey shirt and black pants.

"Oh hi, I didn't see you there" said Edd. "Oh it's nothing. Don't be sorry. It's my fault for not saying anything to you sooner" said the girl. "Yeah, uh, who are you?" asked Edd. "I'm Laurel and you are?" asked Laurel. "I'm Edward, but I sometimes get called Edd for short. Laurel you say? Hmm....that names sounds familiar. Did you happen to have won the title of Homecoming queen?" asked Edd. "Yep! You're correct" said Laurel.

"Oh I see. How did it feel to win?" asked Edd. "It felt great actually. Ah, I sure made a lot of girls jealous but they've moved on" said Laurel. "You should head inside. School's going to start soon" said Edd. "Oh that, well uh, school's over" said Laurel. "Wait what? How long was I standing here exactly?" asked Edd. "I'm not sure, but I think you fell asleep with your eyes open by accident" said Laurel.

"Oh well that makes sense" said Edd. "It's getting a little dark, do you mind if you can walk home with me?" asked Laurel. "Sure, I got nothing better to do" said Edd. Both Edd and Laurel starting walking while Laurel was showing Edd where to go. Apparently the path that Laurel takes is filled with bullies so they had to take an alternative route. Along the way Edd started asking Laurel questions.

"So you're in the same grade level as me, but what class?" asked Edd. "Class? I think you meant tier. Anyway I'm a grade 11 Jade" said Laurel. "Nice!" said Edd. "......It's an all girls tier by the way" said Laurel. "Oh okay" said Edd. "Well I wouldn't say that it's all girls since we have the winner of Homecoming king Rob and his gang of boys" said Laurel.

"Are they trouble in anyway?" asked Edd. "Not really. They're loud and annoying, but they haven't gotten into anything physical" said Laurel. "That's good" said Edd. "Fun fact: I'm a year younger than you even though it doesn't seem like it, but it's true. Oh and as apart of Homecoming royalty, the royals get a better view of the game" said Laurel. "You mean the first game of the basketball season? You were there?" asked Edd. "Yeah I was. I was a little late to the game, but I was there long enough to see your team win" said Laurel.

"Cool! Why were you late exactly? I'm just asking" said Edd. "Well I wasn't going to tell anyone expect for Mr. Smith and the principal, but I got drenched in pig blood that was poured over my head" said Laurel. "No way! Who would do such a thing?" asked Edd. "Oh it would be Eduardo and his two friends pulling pranks for the entire Homecoming week. They've been doing pranks for three years straight without anyone catching them, but they had to pull one one me at the worst time" said Laurel. "I see. I think you probably saw this, but Eduardo harshly threw me to the ground when I was offering him a handshake. I thought my arm was sprained but it turns out that he broke it" said Edd. "My god! That Eduardo needs to get a taste of his own medicine" said Laurel.

"Yeah! Yesterday, I discovered that Eduardo takes benzodiazepines" said Edd. "Benzodiazepines? For what? Just so he can behave properly?" asked Laurel. "Something like that, but I'm guessing that they help him remain at a docile state and not have him be aggressive. I also learned that he takes one or two of them at a certain time, but lately it seems that he doesn't take them or that he needs stronger ones" said Edd. "I see" said Laurel. They soon arrive at Laurel's house right before the sunset. Laurel takes out her keys and opens the door before going inside with Edd following behind her.

"Laurel! Thank goodness you made it home safely. I was getting worried that I would had to come and get you since you got bullied" said Laurel's mother. "Oh don't worry about that mom. I had someone with me. Edward, I would like to introduce you to my mom. Unfortunately my dad is at work right now, but I'll tell him that you stopped by" said Laurel. "Okay. Hello there, I'm Edward. I sometimes go by Edd for short. You have such a lovely daughter" said Edd. "Nice to meet you Edward and thank you. Laurel always had a way of getting someone's attention for assistance" said Laurel's mother. "Mom! How many times do I have to tell you not to embarrass in front of new friends?" asked Laurel. "Oh! My apologies. Anyway, I hope that when you graduate, you'll throw a banquet with Laurel at our house" said Laurel's mother.

"Oh I would love that" said Edd. "Now Laurel, I've talked with Mr. Smith and we both agreed that the only way to solve an issue you should face it head on" said Laurel's mother. " didn't happen to invite the most arrogant person of all time to dinner did you?" asked Laurel. "Well yeah" said Laurel's mother. "'s about time you'd show up. I've been waiting here for like a good half an hour" said Eduardo as walked into the room. Edd looked at Eduardo to see that he had some blood on his forehead that seemed to have dried up.

Edd also saw that Eduardo had a couple of cuts and bruises on his arms. The most shocking thing that Edd saw next was that Eduardo's pinkie on his right hand was gone. "What are you staring at, loser?" asked Eduardo. "Oh, it's nothing. It's just that you seem that you've gotten beaten up" said Edd. "That's none of your concern to know what's going on in my private life. I thought you know better" said Eduardo. "Yeah.....I think I'm going to leave. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye" said Edd. "Oh, bye Edward and goodnight" said Laurel. Edd exits out of Laurel's house and once outside while pondering the thought of whatever happened to Eduardo's pinkie. Edd shook his head before getting onto his skateboard as he made his way over to Marcus' house.

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