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"Five, six, seven, eight. Step and Step. Step and step and turn it around. Down and up and hit, hit... Down... Hit." Mr Schue said directing us through the dance.
"Can we stop, please?" Rachel asked
"You dont have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom Rachel. You can just go." Mr Schue said
"Its not my bladder" Rachel started "Its the choreography." She finished off
"Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?" Mr Schue asked
"We can't compete with Vocal Adrenaline with these steps. You're a great vocal coach, Mr Schue, but you're not a....a trained choreographer. That's what we need to be the best. We need Dakota Stanley." Rachel said
"Just because he understudied doesn't mean he every performed." Mr Schue said
"Did you evert perform Mr. Schuester? After high school. Did you even try?" Quinn asked

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"Of course he doesn't want anything to do with us after you kicked him in the nads." Finn and Olivia saybat the same time
"Then why did he thank me?" Rachel asked
"The goal is to win. And now that Mr. Schuester had agreed to let us hire Dakota Stanley we can." Santana said
"But he doesn't want us to. He just doesn't have the confidence to coach us anymore. Guys are real sensitive when it comes to this kind of stuff." Finn said
"Ands that's my fault?" Rachel asked
"Do you see anyone else in here with a plate of 'I'm Sorry' cookies? I don't. Just you" Olivia said
"I'm bored. All those in favour of hiring Dakota Stanley?" Quinn said making everyone in the room but Finn and Olivia. I glared over at Artie as he went to raise his hand but he took it down

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"Hey wait up" Finn shouted at Rachel
"You can't do this to Mr.Schuester." Olivia said
"What?" Rachel asked "Make him a hero?" Rachel asked "Once we hire Dakota and win national, he'll thank me for it. You heard Santana. It's all about winning." Rachel continued
"Since when" Olivia and Finn say
"Look finn you have your popular clique and your football and you chiché of a blond girlfriend. Glee is my one shot. If this doesn't work our then my whole high school life will be nothing but embarrassment" Rachel said
"What's a cliché? Is it a bad thing? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is this one of those chick things where your pissed about one thing, but you're just pretending liek you're pissed about something else? Cause..." Finn said before Rachel cut him off
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Well, for a while there, you were kind of all over me and now you just yell at me all the time. It makes me think you're still upset about what happened in the auditorium." Finn said
"What happened in the auditorium?" Olivia asked but got ignored
"I'm not." Rachel said walking away "I've moved on and I'm focusing on my career now."
"So you want to talk about it" Finn asked
"No" Rachel said then stopped and turned around "And neither do you" Rachel said "Its kind of ironic how you're Mr. Popular and I'm just this nobody everyone makes fun of, but  have enough confidence to say out loud that what happened between us in the auditorium was real. You have feelings for me and you just don't have the guts to admit it. We're hiring Dakota Stanley. "Rachel said before continuing to walk away
" Even if us means us quitting" Finn and Olivia say
"Yes" Rachel said

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"You got a second, Mr Schue?" Finn asked after knocking on the door.
"Yeah, of course. What's up?" He asked not looking up from his laptop screen
"We just wanted to tell you that we're quitting glee, too." Finn said on behalf of both of us
"I didn't quit glee." Mr Schue said
"Well, you might as well have. It's nutty in there. Finn tried to talk some sense into Rachel but she's gone all chick-batty." Olivia said
"I've gotta be honest with you. It's hard being the quarterback when I get in the huddle and all the guys are calling me" Deep Throat". Glee's bringing down our rep, man." Finn said
"Have the guts to stuck with it a little but longer. You two are gifted performers. You can't quit now. If you do, you're just going to regret it for the rest of your life. Trust me. I know" Mr Schue said
"It's just not fun anymore." Olivia said
"Hey, Finn, wait. There's something I want to talk to you about." Mr Schue said

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