f o u r

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I was just sitting at the dinner table. Not knowing what to do. My memories started to grow as soon as I walked into this house, but it still feels more like home then every house ever could. It feels like mom, like my old dad. It feels good. And it feels nothing like Yana, that's the most important part.
Josh came to talk to me and suggested to go to Jelly once. I was totally in. Monaco was one of my favorite places to be and I would love to meet Jelly. I saw him on YouTube and i really like him.
We wanted to leave like next week, but there was place on a plane for tomorrow so we took that one.
The day was pretty long and the minutes felt like hours. We didn't do that much stuff but Josh promised me we would go shopping in Monaco.
I wanted to go back to sleep but a burst of energy suddenly hit me. Like my body was fighting against sleep. I walked around the room, sat back down, drew for 10 minutes, lay down, played on my phone, watched YouTube and listened to music. And still I wasn't sleepy. I decided to just lay down and wait for the sun to rise. But my body decided to have mercy with me and my eyes closed.
'Aren't you eating a bit to much?' I felt a shock going trough my body, it made me feel sick. 'Uhm maybe I am.' I sat up and put my plate in the sink. My dad looked at Yana like he was mad at her for saying that, but she's right. If I ever wanna be like her I have to eat less. I went upstairs and looked into the mirror. I saw myself 3 times fatter then I did before she said that. She opened my eyes.
I woke up with a bad feeling. My psychologist said that I could have dreams about everything, but I am just experiencing it all over again. In detail! I wasn't sure if this is a good or a bad thing.
One thing i was sure about was that I didn't get enough sleep. Max 2 hours, maybe 3. My eyes were so heavy, but I had to stay awake and pack my stuff. I packed everything I have, we were gonna stay there for a while and I didn't have that much. I wore my favorite outfit today. I decided that after shopping I would throw all my old clothes away, just like my memories. I want to start all over again, I want to forget my past and start a happy and bright future. I walked downstairs and saw a couple of bags next to the door, so I placed mine next to them. Josh and Alyssa were sitting on the couch, probably waiting for me. I told them I was ready to go.

The way to the airport wasn't long. We were there in half an hour. We went into the airport and checked in. We realized that we were way to early, so we went to some shops. I bought a cup and a new perfume, it smells like roses and vanilla. Josh bought pralines for Alyssa, who already was shopping for shoes. I didn't know why there would be shops at the airport, but it was fun. We all quickly ate the pralines together because we weren't allowed to take food inside the airplane. We went to the airplane and got in. We were welcomed by a group of ladies, who gave us each a sweet. A couple of minutes later, we were up the skies. The place where everyone says my mom is. But I don't believe that, at least not anymore. I started praying from the day I could talk, I prayed for mercy, for the sake of my loved ones. And I just got the opposite. That's why I don't believe anymore.
The plane arrived and we went outside the airport. We saw a lot of men standing with little cardboards and whiteboards with names on. On of them was holing the name Joshua Temple, that was for us. We went to the man and Josh showed his ID card. It was almost a limousine, it was not a normal taxi. It was big and the inside was all in leather.
We got out of the taxi and i saw a large house. We walked to the door and Jelly opened it, he smiled at me. Behind him stood Sanna, his girlfriend. we walked in and Jelly gave me a house tour. With all the details. It was kinda funny how he was trying so hard to be friends, while i was a fan of him before he even knew about me. He showed me the place where I would be sleeping. The guest room was already taken by Josh and Alyssa, do I had to sleep in a small room where Jelly put a mattress on the ground. The room was so small, that I only had space for the mattress, a chair, and a little closet that was the size of a small book shelf. There was a window, it was opened just enough so I could feel the air in my face. It blew my hair away from my face and made me shiver. I closed the window and left the room. Sanna was making the dinner while Josh and Alyssa were watching tv. I don't even knew where Jelly was, I didn't really care. For the first time since Josh adopted me, I felt lonely. I felt like I wasn't supposed to be there. Everyone was doing their thing and they knew what to do, I didn't, it felt like I was the only one who was not sure what to do or where to go. It made me scared, I always was the one who knew what to do. Now I'm just standing here, on my own. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jelly smiling wide at me. He asked me if I wanted to go and let the dog out, Nala. I said yes. He told that there were a lot of paths I could take, I just had to make sure I didn't get lost. And otherwise I had to call him immediately. I went out with Nala and i realized that it was the first time I went out on my own again. I was always scared since what happened with my mom, but now I felt comfortable with it. I walked for half an hour and went back to eat dinner. I was just eating like I always do but suddenly Jelly asked me why I wasn't eating that much. I felt a shiver going down my spine and felt my stomach turn. No one ever noticed I wasn't eating enough for my age. No one noticed I was to skinny, or they were afraid to tell me or ask me why. I told him I just wasn't hungry but I had no idea how to hide it for longer, he will notice I never eat much tough. I was panicking inside but I had to stay calm. When we were done eating I started watching tv, but I didn't find any shows or series that bothered me. I just sat in the couch watching a show I never saw before, thinking of ways to hide all my problems.
It was pretty late till I got upstairs and I was really tired. I lie down and put my phone in the charger. I fell asleep thinking about today, not only about the bad things, also the good ones.
My mom is cooking dinner and I'm just sitting there and watching her. She was singing a song for me and I was listening peacefully. She was happy, bright, confident, she was my hero. I was smelling the food my mom was making and I just knew it was gonna be delicious. The fridge was full of drawings, paintings and poems I made for her. Next to me were moms flowers, she took them out of the garden herself and as always she made the perfect color combinations with them. The tv was on and there was a show about dogs. The house was filled with happiness and brightness and color. My mom had always been a positive person and i loved to be around her. I hugged her tightly and she started to drift away from me.
I woke up and the coldness of the room got me back to reality. I hugged my pillow and tried to get back to sleep and dream of my mom again but it won't work. I started crying and I realized I never would see her beautiful flowers again, I would never hear her singing a song again, and I would never smell her food again. The door of my room opened and I saw Jelly, as soon as he saw me crying he rushed to me and hugged me. He asked me what was wrong and I told him about my dream. He looked at me and I saw that he got tears in his eyes as well. He told me that I was gonna be alright and that Josh was gonna take good care of me. I believed him. I went downstairs to get me a glass of water and told me to go back to sleep. I did.

Haha finally a good long chapter! I am really happy about this one tough. I love describing things in detail ;) Jelly is just a real softy ( ◠‿◠ )

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