12. moon

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I told him when I left yesterday to meet me on the roof at midnight.

I just hope he's able to sneak out as easily as I was.

I've been waiting here for about fifteen minutes, though, I got here early because I was anxious. I don't know, I guess I just needed to think before everything started throwing my mind all over the place.

I leaned over the edge of the roof with my arms resting on the brick half-wall before me and looked down on Brooklyn. So loud and so awake, even at this hour, but seemingly calming, somehow. I shifted my gaze up to the skyline and, eventually, up to the sky, and let the noise drown away into my ears and into nothing. The moon was so beautiful, even as the translucent clouds crossed over it. It was a shame the stars were growing fewer and farther between as the years passed on, but I still liked to pretend I could see them.

"Hey," a voice whispered. I jumped.

My eyes had been so focused on everything but the time, that I hadn't even noticed him there beside me.

"You scared me," I smiled. "I was just-"

"Stargazing up at a starless sky," he commented, smiling back. "I do the same thing."

"I just- I don't know why I do it," I replied, looking only at him. "Do you?"

"I guess to bring me back down to Earth," he told me. "You see, if the stars were visible, it'd be completely different. I'd be lost in them. I'd never want to come down," he couldn't hide his smile. "When the stars are out, I feel insignificant. Small, even; like there are such bigger things out there that I don't know about. At least this way, I feel somewhat important because... well, because I'm left in the dark."

I didn't say a word, I just looked at him and imagined the stars in his eyes. God, the galaxies that clustered. I couldn't have ever imagined him saying something so incredibly out there, but, at the same time, I doubt I could have said it better.

My mouth hung open as I thought about it, too. How I didn't want to move on from this moment because he'd created a singularity all our own. Like we were floating about our own star system and everything was bright as ever.

"That's incredible," I finally mumbled, walking over to him and pulling him close. "You're incredible."

He smiled. I smiled, too.

Minutes passed and neither of us spoke a word.

"It's actually a lot colder out here than I thought it would be," he commented as I held him, literally shivering.

"Classic Steve to not bring a jacket," I pulled away from him. "You're lucky I'm no baby," I took my jacket off and put it around him. "Take mine."

"I can't do th-"

"You just did," I chuckled. "It's fine, really, it is. I'd rather you be warm than me."

"Thanks," he smiled, pushing his arms through the sleeves with my help.

"Here," I pulled up the zipper, then took his hands in mine and shoved our fists together into the jacket pockets. "Good?"

"Could be better."

I crinkled my eyes. "How's that?"

"My lips are cold," he chuckled.

"Real smooth, Rogers," I pulled our hands out of the pockets and brought his body onto mine, placing his cold hands into the back pockets of my jeans. My hands met his neck so I could pull him up to my face to kiss.

The heat we were creating between ourselves was keeping me warm alone, and I personally didn't mind the work I had to put in to get there.

It didn't take that long before I was wishing we were inside, though, because I wanted him in far less clothes than he was in right now.

Instead of saying that, though, I plucked my tongue from his mouth and bit into his nether lip. He moaned between us uncontrollably and grabbed me from behind and pulled me closer.

I pushed his back against the brick edge and thrusted my pelvis into his. My hand crept down to his crotch, I took him in hand over his pants and started rubbing.

His lisp fell from mine and he threw his head back. I could see his hot, foggy breath rising away from us as I moved closer to him and met my lips to his neck.

My tongue licked a line up to his jaw before I started kissing the soft skin and gently biting it to get his attention.

I heard his vocalizations starting to increase in volume, so my other hand met his mouth as I started sucking on his neck. Hard.

My hand eventually dropped from his mouth and started undoing the top few buttons of his shirt that the jacket didn't fully cover.

My tongue and lips teased the sensitive skin that had been revealed before I pulled back entirely and went at his lips anew.

"Mmmmm," he hummed into my lips, grabbing my neck and pulling me into him harder. I moved my hips into his as I pulled my hand away and placed it harshly his waist instead.

After a moment, I backed up a few steps from him to look at what I'd done and I couldn't help but bite my lip to stop myself from saying something vulgar.

His face was red from the wind, his neck was purple and black from my lips, his mouth was a little puffed from my stubble, his shirt was undone from my incessant need for more and his pants at the crotch were stretched to the breaking point from his raging hard-on. God, I couldn't peel my eyes away.

I walked back over to him and brought my lips to his ear. "You're beautiful like this."

I heard him exhale sharply and felt the hot air hit my neck.

My knees hit the ground and my eyes were locked on his. I watched as his eyes widened in realization when I undid his pants zipper.

"Christ," he breathed out, throwing his head back again.

I smirked to myself and went on, pulling his pants and underwear out of the way and taking him straight into my mouth without warning. My hands traced all over whatever skin of his that I could reach and his hands met my hair.

He groaned into the air loud enough that I feared he might wake people up, but at this point, I didn't even care.

My pants, as I remained kneeling and more hard than I ever thought possible, felt like they were going to just tear in half. It almost felt good, that pressure, but there lingered a need within me to just- to do unspeakable things to him that I wasn't sure he'd even agree to.

I felt him pull my hair tight into his palms and I knew to keep on going until- I felt him in my mouth just finish and, well, there wasn't much else for me to do but swallow, I suppose.

After, I closed his pants and stood before him again.

He looked up at me like he was exhausted, but wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

His hand met my pants at my crotch and he just squeezed for a moment. How I wished I wasn't wearing pants.

"Tomorrow," he whispered.

I looked at him, confused. "Hmm?" I questioned.

"You're turn's tomorrow... and, hell, am I gonna make it damn well worth the wait."

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