Meet Toby and Lyra

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F/s: favorite sandwich or favorite salad lol I think sandwich is better for sharing ;)

~~the next morning~~

MEEEEEOOOOOOOW your cat woke you up with his gentle, peaceful.... screeching. You groaned getting dressed in a pair of grey short that went down to about halfway of your knee and a long sleeve forest green shirt before feeding your cat and preparing your breakfast and meal. Luckily you didn't have to brush out your hair you kept it short around chin level you learned it was ideal in cases of fights or training. You made yourself a (f/s) along with a slices of cucumber with the tiniest pinch of salt along with some baby carrots and a tad bit of ranch (if you want), you got your water bottle out of a cabinet it had chia seeds in it. You had to eat semi healthy with your rigorous lifestyle. You had to be strong and smart. You packed it into your backpack and made yourself some pancakes (benefits of waking up at 5:00) as well as some for your mom and dad before heading out on your skateboard. You breathed out a small cloud of warm air as the cold hit your skin 'it's fine later in the day it'll get warmer' you thought to yourself. The wind going through your hoodie as you sped down the street. You arrived to school, and allowed the teacher to introduce you. As you began to introduce yourself too you made mental notes of every person whispering to another most likely about yourself.

~~Timeskip to snack break ~~

You sat alone under a tree when you were approached by a group of what you assumed were the popular girls. "Sooo what are you even a girl or a boy" she said while her group snickered. I gave a small smile and spoke, " I'm whatever you want me to be, but" I looked her up and down "Whatever I am I have more then you" I said clearly suggesting something. She stood stunned and embarrassed " whatever you're not worth my time" she replied and hurriedly walked away with her friends who tried containing their giggling. I got up shortly after finished my veggies and tried to find somewhere quieter before break ended .

When i walked behind the classrooms I saw a group of boys beating some poor kid. I shouted "look over here!" making the biggest one turn around with just enough time to see my figure running at him before black. He ended up with his face ramming into my fist effectively knocking him about three feet away and unconscious . His friends gasped and ran off without him before returning hurriedly and dragging him behind them after they left I crouched down " Hey are you alright?" I asked the kid then i noticed his features his skin was a tint grey and unnatural looking he seemed to be twitching too. He looked up at me and blushed his eyes looking amazed it the first time anyone has ever came to his aid. I also blushed a bit he was kinda cute in weird kinda way. I then realized that it was the first time I've ever blushed i didn't even think I was physically capable of doing that.. I felt some sort of connection to him as our eyes met. His brown eyes meeting my own e/c colored ones.

I immediately sat down and opened my backpack taking out the first aid kit he seemed puzzled until he noticed my own injuries including my busted lip. He looked at me questioning as I tended to his wounds I answered his questioning gaze "oh um family related issues ya know, lets just say i'm not too fond of my dad". I don't have a reason for spilling any secret out but I felt safe doing it with him. I wasn't expecting a reply but " m-me t-too" I stared at him my face easing up to a small smile in the process. Then after bit I asked after inspecting his movements " Do you have Tourettes Sydrome" i asked. He looked embarrassed " y-yeah w-w-what gave it a-way?" "Just a wild guess" I told him with a smile. "Now this might hurt a bit I'm about to put the alcohol". He laughed "I won't feel a thing I have C.I.P.A" 'wow' I thought "well that comes in handy I bet". I dug in my backpack for more supplies. "Hey wants your name anyways?" "O-oh its T-toby" 'hmm the name suits him'. "Well by the looks of it doesn't seem you have any friends huh?". He looked away with a sad expression before nodding and I just smiled at him, "I hope if you don't mind of course if I could be your friend?. He looked at me stunned before saying of course and smiling. His smile... it was so beautiful, what I'd do to protect that smile. I threw my arms out beckoning him in a hug somewhat startling him before feeling him slowly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. He's the only one I have now I thought. The bell ring shortly after you groaned "meet me at lunch ok by the big tree I said pointing to a tree in a corner of the fenced area. He nodded before getting up as I escorted him to his classroom and went to my own one.

~~class time ~~
I started writing some stuff down my ears picking up on Toby's name being spoken along with a not so friendly nick name these morons must have given him "that freak ticci toby seems to have a girlfriend now" laughed one of the idiot near the back wall "you sure it's a girl fights too much like a boy from what I hear" argued the other". I frowned 'whatever they heard must have come out of the other guys but it's seems they don't know it's me yet, guess I'll have to check that out' . After the passing period bell rang I got out waiting for the ones I pinned the voice to, to come out, following them just a bit to a more secluded area before grabbing both but the back of their shirts and slamming them into a fence. They looked up to see me staring at them with disgust. "If you tell me the names and the classroom numbers of the boys you heard that from I'll make this a one time thing for you." Walking away with my information after that simple threat I went to my classroom how lucky we were put together me and Toby's bullies. We finished wrona do we excused to lunch as they tried to fast walk away I already started my negotiations. They'd agree to stop talking about us and to not use Toby's nickname or else.

I walked to the tree my hands in my pocket as I saw a brunette come into sight picking up my pace I sat next him. Taking out my (f/s) waiting for him to do the same but nothing. " Aren't you gonna eat lunch?" "H-huh? O-oh n-o I d-don't usually-e-ea-t n-now" I nodded "sure but here" I tore the sand which handing him the obviously bigger half "of you don't eat I'll help you and I'll pack you lunch if you want" he looked at the (f/s) before taking it in his hand and biting it "i-if all y-our l-u-nches taste  th-this good t-hen yes p-please" he savored the bite he didn't usually bring lunch not wanting to burden Lyra or his mom, and didn't have the money to buy since his father said he can take from home and save them the trouble. Not feeling the pain that comes for not eating for a while he was fine with not preparing himself anything either though he would at times. You both say peacefully the Noises of the bones cracking from your buddy putting both of you at a peace not felt in a long time.

~~end of school~
I yawned as I slowly skated by toby's side, I was walking him home. "Y-you really d-didn't have to w-w-walk me h-ome" he said still a bit embarrassed. "Naaah its fine besides I already told you I don't want to leave your side very often from now on alright?" " A-alright" he replied a tiny blush on his cheeks. I smiled wow this is the happiest I've felt in a long time.

As we neared his house I saw a stunning girl with blonde hair and the kindest aura you'd ever seen. "Wow, who is she?" I asked toby he looked up " Oh T-that's m-my sister Lyr-ra". Oooo I ran up to her shaking her hand with a firm grip "Pleased to meet you my lady, I'm Toby's friend Y/n" she looked at me and smiled a beautiful smile. " Nice to meet you too I'm glad Toby has someone he can rely on." She responded taking in some of your roughed up features I smiled at her and Toby caught up to me, he's so cute with his messy hair. I smiled then Lyra spoke. "So would you like to have lunch with us or?" I was about to say of course but I remembered I have to fight again, "oh I'm sorry I would but I have to get home to my dad." I tried to sound as genuine as possible so she wouldn't think I was lying to her...I hate liars. "Oh that's too bad maybe some other time if its alright with you" " Of course, I'll tell Toby when I'm available."

Toby looked at Lyra with a small frown on his face worry in his eyes as his met Lyra's and just like that she understood what you meant by excuse I bid my goodbye and started skating home.

A good crappy time: Ticci Toby x protective readerWhere stories live. Discover now