crappy school

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You woke up in a cold sweat to the usual meows, fed your cat got dressed in loose military pants opting for a looser bra and the bandages wrapping your torso, you gently put on your dark grey long sleeve shirt and a thick grey hoodie. ( >-> you get?). You did the same as last time although this time making a lunch box one for you and one for Toby. You got another metal water bottle out and filled it with normal water before packing it. Since you were going to walk Toby home now you got out your bicycle that had a passenger seat behind it. Your father got it for you as a joke since you've never had friends before. Who's laughing now dad you thought before letting out a "Ha-" before you cringed, it hurt to laugh.

You quickly rode it to Toby's house, right as he was stepping out luckily he chose for you to give him a ride instead of Lyra or his mom driving him. He smiled before hopping on holding the thicker metal bar between his knees looking back from how he was seated his house fading into a distance and leaning his back against your own making sure to be gentle from the injury you told him about . You rode quickly to the school went to the main office and requested to have your classes changed to Toby's classes. They didn't really care about what happened at the school so they let you. You now were able to keep a better eye on Toby. You wouldn't leave him to get picked on. You entered the class and had your seat next to Toby not like any of the teachers would protest no one stewed close to toby anyways deeming him a distraction to get seated near friends. Everyone stared at you, you were quite cute and all but the reason they were staring was because of the bandages you had wrapped around you, they probably were assuming you were easy prey. You threw a glare at them making them avert their eyes.

After the first couple of classes were dismissed you and Toby headed to eat lunch. As you sat down Toby began to whine "y-you know I-I'm kinda tire-d of sitting on the g-g-ground." I looked at him and grinned, "I'll take care of it". I looked around and found the perfect little secluded table but there was people already sitting there. I walked over and slammed my hand on the table causing it to dislodge from the loosely bolted floor "SCRAM!". The kids scurried away, and I turned around to look at Toby. He looked at me and smiled "Y-You're r-really cool." As we got comfy I handed him his food, he thanked me and we watched the kids playing sports and things from a distance. I liked his company we didn't have to talk much we were comfortable in each other's presence. Toby poked me "hey y/n" "yes?" "how come you always wear guy clothes do you not like girl clothes" , I smiled " its because my step dad wanted a boy but he was stuck with me and my mom cant have kids so..he had to make due". Toby stared at me and kissed my cheek leaving me speechless " I like you regardless" he told me without stuttering once and with  one of his precious smiles. I blushed before pushing his grinning face away with my hand "y-you're embarrassing me dummy". He laughed and you guys continued eating in the blissful shade.

You had arrived home after school ended this time you weren't going to go exploring, you didn't want to get beat again. You were about to go to your room when you heard the doorbell ring you ran to open the door if it was your dad he'd kill you. You opened it up to reveal police officers. " hello ma'am are you y/n?" "yes that's me why?" " well we're here to tell you your dad got into a very bad car crash and died we need you to come by to identify his body". I couldn't believe what I was hearing... was it true it seemed like a dream come true. I started crying tears of joy and then I woke up (sike you thought).

A good crappy time: Ticci Toby x protective readerWhere stories live. Discover now