Chapter 1

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Y/n P.O.V.

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard a knock on my door.

Me: Five minutes.

I say trying to full asleep again.

???: Sorry my young lord but it's time to wake up, you have school in an hour.

Me: Fine I'm hopping up now, so go away Gloxinia.

Gloxinia: Of course.

Sullyrranth: You shouldn't be so hard on him Y/n he is only waking you up.

Me: I know but it's annoying that I have to school.

Bamreirth: Agreed, the woman at school are perverts like the males and don't get me started on the curriculum of that school as well as those annoying beings who call themselves Devils.

Me: See Sullyrranth, Bamreirth agrees with me.

Sullyrranth just sighs.

Sullyrranth: Y/n please go today then tomorrow you don't have too.

Me: Fine.

Time skip:

Right now I was walking inside the gates to Kouh with my twin brother Zeldris. As we entered all the girls went off squealing and saying lewd thing about us.

Zeldris: Brother why do they do such things when they could do other things.

Me: I don't know Zel but today will be the last.

As we were walking I felt someone starring at me, I look up to see the heiress of the Gremory pillar starring at me.

Rias P.O.V.

Akeno: Everything alright Rias?

Me: Who are those twin boys?

Akeno looks to where I'm looking and see two boys.

Akeno: The black haired one is Zeldris Wrath and the blond haired one is Y/n Wrath the older of the two twins, why wanting to add them to your peerage.

Rias: I felt power from Y/n but not his twin.

Back with Y/n.

After a long day of nothing Zeldris and I were getting ready to go home when Kiba came in.

Kiba: Hello Y/n, Rias would like to talk to you.

Me: No I'm busy.

As we walked pass him but he grabbed my arm.

Kiba: Please reconsider-

Before he could finish I released Bamreirth's sacred gear.

Before he could finish I released Bamreirth's sacred gear

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Me: Let go or die.

Zeldris: Brother he's not worth it.

I look at Zeldris nodding.

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