Chapter 3

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Y/n P.O.V.

It's been a couple days since Asia moved in with me and my family but right now I was talking to Zeldris.

Zeldris: So let me get this straight you want me to go to the ORC and deliver a message that asks for Sirzechs Lucifer.

Me: Yes.

Zeldris just sighs before nodding and walking off.

Sullyrranth: Are you sure he will accept it?

Me: I don't know.

Bamreirth: But if he does then he'll owe you and you'll be able to use that against him.

Me: I know and if he does owe me I can hopefully be able to get him out.

Meanwhile in an Underworlds prison:

???: 'I sense it something is coming and it's going to be one hell of a party'

This man thinks as his red eyes glow in the darkness.

With Rias:

I was talking to Issei about the nun and saying to not go near her again but that's when something crashed through the roof.

???: Well that's the new addition to your useless peerage that my brother demolished over three weeks ago.

I see an outline of a boy walk through the dust cloud then when he was close enough I saw Zeldris smiling.

I see an outline of a boy walk through the dust cloud then when he was close enough I saw Zeldris smiling

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Me: Zeldris Wrath.

I then notice a mark above his eyebrow.

Kiba: That mark is like Y/n's the first time I saw his sacred gear.

Kiba says scared.

Zeldris: Well of course every Demonic sacred gear wielder has it.

Me: Demonic Sacred Gear?

Zeldris: Oh you don't know well they are still made by God but they each have a Demonic Creature that is on a God tier level in each one and each mark is different but because my sacred gear is the brother of Y/n's sacred gear they have the same markings.

Akeno: What is yours?

Zeldris: The twin brother of the Bamreirth Demonic Dragon of Wrath, Alduin The Black Dragon of Death.

As he said that we all move back.

Zeldris: But I'm here on behalf of my brother to deliver this letter to you to give to your brother and don't read it.

When he said that he he grew wings and flew out the hole in the roof.

Time skip Y/n P.O.V.

I was finishing up training with Drole and Gloxinia.

When they were both on the ground a teleport circle appeared and out came a the man I was waiting for Sirzechs Lucifer and by the looks of it he had his Queen with him

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When they were both on the ground a teleport circle appeared and out came a the man I was waiting for Sirzechs Lucifer and by the looks of it he had his Queen with him.

Me: You came that's good.

Sirzechs: Is it true that you'll save Rias from this marriage?

Me: That's what the letter said didn't it so yes I'll save sorry to offend you but that idiot you call a sister.

Sirzechs: No offence taken.

Me: That's good but what I want in return for saving your sister are 3 things.

Sirzechs: Name them.

Me: 1). I want the the head of the house of Dracul released from the Underworld and put into my protection.

Sirzechs: It might be hard for the other Devil Kings to agree but I'll see what I can do.

Me: Good. 2). I want an full control of Kouh.

Sirzechs: I'll talk to Serafall about it.

Me: And finally I want a fight with you and your peerage.

Sirzechs: You want to fight me and my peerage by yourself?

Me: No I'll have my team but I'll make it even I'll only bring 16 members of my team.

Sirzechs: Then I'll wait for that duel after you defeat Riser.

Me: Now when does Riser and Rias's meeting happening?

Sirzechs: In a week.

Me: Ok I'll be there now go I have work to do.

At that he nodded and disappeared with his Queen via teleport circle.

Time skip 1 week:

I was in the lounge with my team.

Me: Merlin, Morrigan, Marian and Asia your with me for this meeting.

All of them: Of course.

At that all four of them stood up.

Me: Merlin teleport please.

At that Merlin teleported is to the ORC.

As we appeared I see the maid from last week with the Phenex and his peerage.

Rias: Y/n!?

Me: Hn Grayfia is that him.

I say pointing to the one assumed to be the husband for Rias.

Grayfia: Yes it is Y/n.

Me: Strange I was suspecting someone more powerful.

Phenex: You dare insult the great Riser!

Me: Oh god he talks in third person.

At that he summoned a fire ball but I just laughed and released Sullyrranth sacred gear.

Me: You call that a fire ball allow me to show you what a fire ball really is.

I say summoning out a miniature sun with my index finger but when I did everyone started to sweat, the book shelf caught fire as well as curtains.

Everyone besides Y/n and his group: 'What power'

Me: Now you idiotic chicken I'll give you 3 days to train and say goodbye to your family because when it's time for us to battle it'll be to the death.

Riser: Riser didn't agree to this!

Me: But Lucifer did, but with that said I'll be leaving, Merlin if you mind.

Merlin: Of course.

With that we disappeared.

To be continued:

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