Chapter 4

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Y/n P.O.V.

It's been 3 days since I challenged Riser to a fight to the death. I was waiting for Sirzechs's Queen to come and get me. After waiting 10 minutes she finally appears.

Grayfia: Are you ready for your-

She just looks at my shocked as I was shirtless and couldn't take her eyes off my abs.

Me: Yes I am ready.

I say walking towards her as I released Bamreirth's Balance Breaker. When I did Grayfia backed away in fear.

Me: Let's get on with it.

I say devoid of emotions.

Grayfia: Of course.

With that we teleported to the underworld or more importantly the Phenex household. As we appeared I see Riser boasting about how he was going to defeat me.

Sirzechs: Ah Y/n your here, Riser asked if he could bring his peerage into this fight-

Me: Don't care bring them but don't cry when they all die.

Sirzechs stepped back of how I talked about killing everyone in his peerage.

Sirzechs: Ok, Grayfia teleport both Y/n and Riser and his peerage to the arena.

With that I was teleported to a clone of Kouh academy. Smirking I stood still and waited for Riser to make the first move.

Waiting a couple of minutes a small group of 4 arrived and by looking at them it was both knights and rooks.

Waiting a couple of minutes a small group of 4 arrived and by looking at them it was both knights and rooks

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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