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All my life, I have always been hiding. Never have I experienced independence. When I was in my Junior High School, I was enrolled in Prescott Academy hiding my real identity. And now that I graduated in Junior High School, my father insisted of me enrolling in a prestigious university in Ithaca. I've heard a lot about Smith university. Not everyone can afford studying in there. It's the Harvard version of this country.

Smith University is not just one but the number one university in the State of Eudaimonia. It is a multicultural university where diversity exists and breathing. Knowing that I'll be hiding my real identity once again, I was bit hesitant.

As someone who has a politician father, I had to hide my identity for my security. Sometimes, it gets annoying but what can I even do? He decides everything I do. I know I'll forever be stuck at where he wants me to be. I won't be able to fly and do the things that I desire. Actually, I'm never afraid of having new environment. I'm not new to this shifting from one place to another. In fact, I'm used to this.

The first time that I set my foot in Ithaca, I got scared. That would be the very first time that I'll be able to smell another air aside from the air of Arcadia. Fear crept into my system as I look at the new school, new environment I'll be getting used from then.

Arcadia is one of the richest town in Eudaimonia aside from Olympus. I have never been to Olympus. As what I have read in our history book, no one in Olympians nor Arcadians are able to enter the boundary between Arcadia and Olympus. Up until now, I couldn't understand the main gist of the feud between the two. That was the reason why I am only limited to places outside Olympus. All my life, I have dreamt of coming to Olympus. I have always heard how beautiful that place is. It is more beautiful and wonderful than Delphi.

Stepping my foot on Smith University made me feel like a new born baby. I feel like I don't belong. Students in Smith University seemed to be so different with the students of Arcadia. Students here seemed to be menacingly scary. They all love competition. They love the attention. I grew up in a place where equality is not rampant. So I'm not really seeing competition all the time since my father rule the whole town.

I know about Musterion. It is a place connecting Olympus and Arcadia. You can say, it is just a small territory but people there were different from normal people. They are technically scary. According to my cousins, they are dangerous for they won't let anyone enter their turf. Father had tried conquering the territory since it is owned by Arcadian. The land of Musterion belongs to Arcadia which was occupied by the runaways of Olympus before. I don't really understand the idea of Olympus and Arcadia fighting over that small territory when in fact, they both abandon the place and it's people before.

I thought, no one will ever notice the secret behind my identity but not until I met him. He was reading a book inside that hidden place in the main library of the University. I don't exactly have an idea why my feet took me there. I just found myself entering that secret place where no one in the library noticed. At first, I was just curious of the place not until I saw him. "He is not normal", I thought to myself. Everyone has black, blonde and brown hair. Black for those who lived and born in Eudaimonia, blonde for those foreigners, and brown for those unknown. But his hair is way too different. He has silver hair, an ear piercing, and a dog tag. His eyes is the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my entire life, but the problem is I can see no emotion in him. I have never seen such beautiful eyes with no emotion but him. Suddenly, I feel like I just saw the saddest eyes in the world.

Alas Frost Demise...

How can someone like him who looked like an angel have such a demonic name?

Barely BreathingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon