Chapter 2

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Harry's POV
I arrive at school parking my car in the space closest too school before slamming my door shut and locking my car. girls smile at me as I walk past them but honestly I couldn't care less, they're all just so desperate it becomes irritating, as I reach my locker my best friend Zayn punches my arm smirking at me.
"Haz look the faggots over there" he laughs pointing his finger at Louis Tomlinson, I smirk back at him and saunter over to the petite boy.
"Hey" I whisper in his ear smiling in satisfaction as he jumps and his eyes glaze over with fear as they land on me.
"Harry" he mumbles not daring to make eye contact with me.
"Why won't you look at me" I laugh in his face "scared?" I question. he shakes his head quickly, I notice that his thick lips are trembling and for a second I think of how kissable they look before I remember this is louis Tomlinson and an anger strikes inside of me.
"Then look at me you fucking pathetic faggot" I sneer pushing him against his locker. I don't really understand my needs too do this too him and my anger towards him, we used too be bestfriends, tight as brothers, but everything changed that day, the day he decided to go screaming to everyone about his sexuality. louis has something I don't and I hate him for that, no matter how close we used too be.
I shake my head getting rid of my thoughts and grab him by his collar.
"Your a useless little queer" I whisper in his face, the water collecting in his eyes makes me feel good, for once the gay isn't getting his own way and of course he would cry about it, he's a faggot, a real man wouldn't show any sign of weakness but louis isn't a real man he's a fucking homosexual.
"Look at me" I laugh shoving his face to look at mine, I want to see the fear in the cool blue of his eyes.
He struggles to try and get out of my grip but it's clear I'm to strong so in the end he just gives up, he makes the eye contact with me that I wanted and I don't see fear, I see sadness, he looks so lost and hopeless, like he's finally given up, for a second I feel sorry for him, I just want to hug him and tell him that everything's going to be alright, but then I remember, I remember how well he's treated at home, how nice his dad is to him and his mum treasures him, I remember how his mum and dad are in a happy relationship, how they have accepted the fact that he's gay and they still love him and then that feeling of wanting to comfort him disappears and is replaced with jealousy and anger.
"Pathetic" I whisper into his face my green eyes surging into his I push his head up, his feet no longer touching the ground and his weight supported by my hand round his neck, he's chocking, face slowly going red, and I laugh in his face "god hates gays, you deserve too rot in hell" I snigger before dropping him to the ground and with one last kick I'm on my way to class.

I just want to say I'm sorry if some of the language is offensive in this, I'm not homophobic or against gay people or anything it's just to get Harry's point across so yeah I'm sorry but don't take any of it seriously and I know harry wouldn't say anything like this or do anything like this but it's a story so yeah, thanks for reading ily💗

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