Chapter 20 - Touka's Final Answer

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Ken headed to throne room since the king and queen were summoned him. As he reached the place, both of them scold him immediately. They heard from maids that he took his knight's hand in front of lot of people and even yelled at his wife-to-be. Ken stated the truth that he won't marry someone else than his knight. Ken immediately asked permission to leave even though his parents haven't gave their permission first.

Ken went to a quiet place where he could take a rest, his head had been throbbing since yesterday due stress. When he was taking a rest, suddenly Princess Rize approached him. Rize told him that she needed to talk but he immediately rejected it since he didn't want to talk moreover to her. Rize replied him that she won't take long time since she needed to do something else. Prince Ken sighed and in the end, he allowed her to talk.

"Prince Kaneki Ken, I don't want to marry with you."

"...Uh, so straight forward. Why do you say this all of sudden?"

"Simple, I don't love you. You love your knight and I already have someone else that I want to marry with. My father and your parents are the one who arranged this marriage."

" ...How do you know that I like her?"

"It's obvious, Prince Ken. I just had coffee time with her and I noticed there's hickey on her neck. You should be gentle, prince. Women don't like to be forced."

Hearing it from her, Ken embarrassed of himself then Princess Rize asked permission to leave. Ken tried to hold of himself and tried to calm himself with drinking tea. When he was headed to the room where he usually has his tea, he noticed there's someone who is sitting alone at gazebo. He approached her and he found his knight is spacing out alone there.

"Touka? What are you doing here?"

"H-Huh?! J-Just enjoying this drink called coffee!"

"Coffee? Is that from Princess Rize?"


"I see. ...Touka? I-I'm sorry for what happened yesterday!"

"T-That's okay! I liked it!"

Touka covered her mouth with her hands meanwhile Ken looked at her with priceless expression. Touka blushed then she finally opened up about her feelings. She admitted that she feels really comfortable when she is with him, she feels her heart in pain when she heard about the wedding, also she feels happy when he was confessed and kissed her. She admitted that she is in love with him too. Touka finished talking and when she looked at Ken, he is bashful too.

"...Ken, is it alright for me, a commoner to be in love with you? I know it's forbidden for someone like me to fall in love with royal blood but-"

Before she finished her words, Ken pulled her hand and he hugged her as he rubbed his face to Touka's head.

"I'm so happy, I'm really happy to hear it. I don't care about your status! I just want you only! I don't want anyone else!"

Hearing it from Ken, Touka smiled then she stroked his head. Ken let her go then he stared her, their face came closer and closer until they can feel each other's breathe. Touka closed her eyes then Ken kissed her again and this time, he kissed her tenderly. Suddenly they heard someone yelling at them.


Ken and Touka turned around and they saw angry King Kamishiro Masataka. He saw his daughter's fiance kissing with another woman, his knight to be precisely. Ken was going to tell him what happened but the king won't let Ken speak. He accused that Kaneki's royal blood was mocking of south kingdom and it makes a commotion. Later then, Kaneki's parents came to them and he told King Masataka to calm down but it became more chaos.

"King Masataka, Your Majesty, I will not marry Princess Kamishiro Rize. I only love the person who is i holding hand with."

Before Masataka cut his words again, Ken's father stopped him and he asked for his son's explanation. Ken admitted that he already like her since he was young also, he doesn't like when people belittle the person that he loved. She is always be there for him also Ken doesn't want to lose her. If anyone try to hurt her, Ken won't stay still. The last thing he said to them is, if they don't accept their relationship, Ken will strip his own title and left the palace.

King Masataka along with Ken's parents are shock when they heard Ken, the prince who is famous for being an obedient child finally dare to oppose his parent's wish. Suddenly, they heard clapping hands sound and Princess Kamishiro Rize approached them as she praised Ken's words.

"Splendid, Prince Ken. I never expected you will say it in front of Your Majesty."

"Princess Kamishiro Rize! What are you saying?! He is your husband to be!", exclaimed King Masataka to his own daughter.

"No, Your Highness. I won't marry him either, I already have someone that I love too. Dear father, I already told you that I don't want to marry to Prince Ken."

"What are you talking about?!? It's for our kingdom's future!"

"For our kingdom? Our kingdom already prosperous. Or are you just looking for excuse, that you don't want our loyal blood get tainted?"

"Princess Masataka Rize, mind your words!", exclaimed Masataka.

"Then father, you said you love mother so much. If mother was a commoner, will you marry someone else instead or will you accept her just the way she is?"

King Masataka couldn't answer his child question, he walked away while holding his anger and Ken's parents followed him too. When the prince and princess saw their parents have gone, they let a long sigh.

"Thank you, Princess Rize. You're really brave."

"Don't worry, I already sick with those rules. Sometimes, rules are meant to be broken. Well then, I want to get some rest. Please be happy, both of you."

"You too, Princess Rize."

As Rize walked away from them, Touka complained at Ken for being rude to his own parents. Ken smiled then he hugged her again as he said that no one can insult prince's lover. Touka blushed then she tiptoes and kissed Ken's cheek which made him startled.

"That's your thank you gift.", said Touka.

Oh, my Lord, she is too cute! My heart can't take it!, thought Ken as his face blushing.


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