Chapter 15

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(I'm so sorry I haven't been updating guys I just wasn't sure if people were that bothered with the fic ,anyway enjoy )

Cheryls Pov-

After an emotional day of decisions and filming me and Kimba decided just to have a day relaxing by our pool .I feel really drained emotionally and physically after deciding who goes through and who doesn't , it's so heart breaking having to crush someone's dreams ,especially on TV . Thank god I had Kimberley to help me , I don't know what I would have done without her .I went out to the pool to see Kimberley with her chair at the very edge of the pool ,what the hell was she doing !

"Kimberley babe don't do it please please don't do it I need you ,just roll back ." I cried hysterically whilst walking over to her .

"What are you talking about ?" she asked as she went to turn her chair around .The way she turned her chair around made one side go over the edge of the pool and before I knew it there was a splash .

"FCK KIMBERLEY ." I screamed as I ran towards the pool . I jumped in without a second thought and quickly went under and grabbed her . I pulled her to surface using all my strength the both of us coughing and spluttering .

"Kimberley what the hell were you thinking , why now you ..."I was cut of by Kimberley

"Cheryl you loon I wasn't trying to kill myself I was just looking out to the pool waiting for you and then my chair slipped ." she replied

I began to break down , my thoughts over taking my head , what would have happened if she did die , what would I do ? It would have been all my fault .I've got to take better care of her . I've got to protect her .

She pulled me in to a hug and we just lay there soaking wet hugging until my tears stopped .

"Are you okay now ?" she asked

"Yeah I just got a fright ." I explain

"You don't have to worry , I'm not going anywhere ." she smiles

Kimberley's Pov-

After we bathed and dried off we ended up just watching some films . We had a week left before we had to return to the UK but I wanted to go sooner . What was the point in being here if I couldn't enjoy it and Cheryl couldn't enjoy it because of me and my stupid chair .I had fully made up my mind now , I wanted the operation done and I wanted it asap .

"If you think anymore steam is going gone rising from your head ." Cheryl giggled "what are you thinking about ?"

"I just want to get my operation done as soon as possible ."I sighed

"So you definitely want to get it done ?" Cheryl grinned

"Yeah because it's not that I'm not enjoying my time here it's just that I would enjoy it a lot better if I could walk ."

"Do you want me to phone the doctor and see when is the earliest he could get it done ?"

"Yes please ."

Cheryl immediately phoned the doctor whilst I went in to the kitchen to make us a brew .After a few minutes Cheryl ran in all excited .

"Kimberley the next spot is in two days time !" she squealed

"Oh my god that's sooner than I expected ."

"Do you want to go for it ?"

"Yeah definitely ,will we be home in time ?" I ask

"If we leave tonight we will be ."

"Well what are you waiting for , let's go pack ."

"Okay let's go ." she giddily replied


We were 7 hours in kt the flight when Cheryl finally woke up .I had woke up about 5 hours in but I didn't have the heart to wake her .

"It's been 84 years ." I said seriously intimidating Rose from titanic .

"What are you on about ." Cheryl started frantically giggling .

"It's what Rose says in Titanic ." I join in giggling

"I've never watched that , I thought you had just aged 60 years or something ." she cackles

"Oh my god you've never watched titanic ! On the way back we have to go buy it and watch it tonight ."

"Sure but you know we've not had much time to ourselves ." she whispers

"Cheryl we've had ages together ." I giggle

"That's not what I meant , how do you fancy joining the mile high club ." she winks

"Cheryl Ann tweedy what do you take me for ?" I ask dramatically

"A sexy goddess who I can't keep my hands off for much longer ." she replies as her hands start to roam .

"Take me to the bathroom now ."

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