Your Family Is Sick(Harry)

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Your kids:
Harry's POV:
Everyone was eating dinner after school, telling about their day.
"Pweschool was so fun today!" Nathan exclaimed, making a mess of his peas and chicken. "I got to wead a book, pway wif play dough and I almost kissed Danielle!" Alyssa and Darcy snickered.
"Nathan and Danielle, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I..... Um, well, you know what I mean!" Darcy exclaimed.
"Leave your brother alone, Darcy" I scolded playfully.
"Mommy I'm done" Alyssa said to Y/N.
"Okay, wash your dish then go play" Y/N said. Aly nodded then did as she was told.
About half an hour later our family was sitting on the couch watching tv. Y/N got up, and grabbed Nathan.
"Cmon girls, time to get ready for bed" she said, and Alyssa and Darcy scampered up, running upstairs, racing each other like they did every night. I followed, tucking them into bed then climbing into bed with Y/N.
I woke up at 1:30 in the morning to Y/N yawning.
"What are you doing up?" I asked, stretching. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah Harry, I'm fine, just a little bit nauseous, but I'm fine" Y/N said, curling back into bed. Just as I was about to go back to bed, I heard footsteps and I sat up. Finally Darcy's figure appeared in the doorway.
"Daddy" she whispered.
"What are you doing up, Darc?" I asked her.
"I don't feel good" she said, rubbing her stomach a little.
"Do you think you might need to throw up?" I asked her, and she nodded. I sighed, making room for Darcy in the bed.
"Come lay down with me sweetheart" I said and she climbed in, accidentally waking up Y/N in the process.
"Darcy?" You asked in surprise.
"Darcy isn't feeling good either. Sorry for waking you up, Y/N" I said, and she shrugged it off. Five minutes later, you were asleep again and Darcy started gagging, then crying.
"Do you need to throw up?" I asked and she nodded, and I grabbed her and set her in front of the toilet, and after two minutes of gagging she threw up into the water, stopping after ten minutes.
"Want to go back to your bed?" I asked and she nodded, and I carried her to her room, setting a bucket and a glass of water by her bed. As I was walking back up, I heard something from Alyssa's room. I walked in and saw my eight year old sitting up in bed, moaning and rubbing her stomach as well, which looked slightly bloated under her pjs.
"Are you okay Aly?" I asked.
"I don't feel good. My tummy feels weird" she complained.
"Oh no. Darcy is sick too" I told her.
"Really?" She asked, and I nodded.
"Do I have to go to school tomorr-" she was interrupted by a loud burp, then threw her hand over her mouth. I grabbed her and set her in the bathroom, and immediately a round of sick came out of Alyssa's mouth. A few minutes later she was done. She moaned and stood up, and I took her hand and lead her to her room again.
"No, you don't have to go to school tomorrow" I told her, answering her question. I grabbed for Alyssa the same things I did for Darcy then walked back upstairs, eager to sleep again.
I woke up two hours later to my own stomach gurgling as well as Nathan climbing all over me, causing my stomach to groan in protest.
"What's wrong Nate?" I asked.
"My tummy hurts" he complained, snuggling into me.
"Be careful buddy, I'm not feeling to great either"
"Oops. Sorry" he said, starting to cry a few seconds later.
"Do you need to throw up?" I asked and he nodded, accidentally vomiting all over Y/N, causing her to shoot up out of bed. You looked around at the scene and grabbed the trash can by our bed and got sick into it. You stopped ten minutes later, then I could feel myself about to be sick, so I dashed into the bathroom.
Two hours later everything was cleaned up and everyone was back in their rooms. I still hadn't fallen back asleep, and worse, I had gotten sick again. It was 7:56 am. Everyone would be up soon. I groaned and tried to fall back asleep, but failing. I decided to get up, and I walked into the kitchen to find some medicine.
"D-daddy" Darcy moaned, walking up to me.
"How are you feeling Darcy?" I asked, rubbing my stomach.
"Icky. My tummys growling and it hurts" she complained, and I grabbed the thermometer to check her temperature. 101.2.
"Well sweet pea your still sick. You can go lay on the couch and watch a film if you would like" I said, and she nodded greatfully, running over to our couch. Next Aly and Nathan came out both complaining of still being sick. Their temperatures were around Darcy's. After I got everyone settled down on the couch I took my own temperature, and it was 101.3, so I wasn't far off. A few minutes later Y/N checked hers, and hers was 101.4. In the end, we all decided to sit on the couch and watch Disney Channel for the kids, making sure there was plenty of sick buckets around.
After a few hours full of vomiting and complaining from everyone, Y/N and Harry decided to take everyone to the doctor, where you found out you all had food poisoning. You were all feeling much better two days later.
I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter :)) it gets better, I promise!

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