1.1 Overbearing Brother-in-Law Fell in Love with Me

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 Ye Zhizhou was dying, and when he woke up he was living in someone else's body.

A strange face was printed on the window, very white, very fat, too fat to see the person's face. He squinted and carefully looked at the "antique" mobile phone in his hand, and his eyes numbed from the shock.

He had just turned over the calendar on the communicator before going out in the morning. Today is Saturday, the second Saturday of the ephemeris in November 3226. Now, the calendar on this phone tells him that today is one of the days of the Earth calendar in November 2020.

The driver drove steadily, and the cool autumn wind blew in through the window, with a hint of cold in the early winter. He closed his eyes and leaned back into the back of his chair, slowly sorting out the chaotic thoughts.

He remembered that he had a car accident. The two vehicles collided in the front and the car he was riding was directly smashed into a sunken shape. The driver died on the spot, and he was crushed by the sunken body in the back seat. His upper body was all wounded by the broken glass shards. There were many comminuted fractures on his body. The internal organs were estimated to be hurt enough. The fact that he didn't die immediately was a miracle.

There seemed to be a weird voice in his confusion, saying a few words in his mind, asking him if he wants to live, he replied, then fainted, and then woke up, the ephemeris became the Earth calendar in 2020. And he also changed from a handsome double S spirit genius to a bloated fat man.

If he knew it before... He wouldn't have gone out this morning! The rest of the day should be used to sleep, what relatives that suddenly pop out? Who cares about you, anyway!

"Young Master, Young Master, wake up, we arrived home."

The driver's voice from the front seat pulled him out of his stupor, then his shoulder was gently patted, and Ye Zhizhou opened his eyes. His face properly exposed a sly look that just woke up, and slowly got up and got up - it was so annoying, the fat body was too hard to use.

"Young Master, Master will come back later today. He told me to inform you that you don't have to wait for him to have dinner together." The handsome driver smiled at him and handed him the bag from the front passenger seat.

He took the bag and nodded wildly, clumsily moving the obese body from the "antique" car and stepping forward to the door of the villa not far away. The difference from his usual body weight almost made him fall. After a few steps, he barely stabilized the balance and sat down on the edge of the flower bed at the side of the road. Then he reached out and pulled out a pink flip-top vanity mirror from his bag. Intuition told him that everything that he had experienced can be explained to him by this thing.

As if responding to him, the pink vanity mirror suddenly turned on, then automatically opened, and a light screen popped up in front of him, a black text appeared on it.

[Hello Host , I am the No. 01 Salvation System, you can call me Tong Tian. ]

Ye Zhizhou choked in his own saliva, and he quickly reached out and took his makeup mirror away. He frowned and asked: "No. 01 Salvation System? Tong Tian? After the car accident, were you the one talking in my mind? What do you want to do? What about my own body? Dead? Where is this? What is this appearance?"

The problem was a bit more complicated, the system that just took most of the energy to transfer the host's soul is a little bit stuck. The screen was stagnant, and it took a while for the text to start again. 

[I am talking; the system is bound, please solve the salvation task according to the information provided by the system; Host's body is now temporarily saved by the system, very safe; not dead; here is the mission world of No. 01; for the convenience of the task, the host uses the body of the mission-related person. ]

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