1.3 Overbearing Brother-in-Law Fell in Love with Me

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Female protagonist, who is this demon?

Ye Zhizhou was shocked by her eager tone, and couldn't help but take a step back and say, "I haven't said I hate you, I just said that I didn't like you."

"Xiao Yang, you're blaming me, right?" Bai Li whispered softly and said softly: "You are blaming me for not agreeing to tutor you in English yesterday? Xiao Yang, I didn't mean it, I just heard about Yun Ke. Big brother has problems with insomnia. I had to take more time to prepare Anshen tea to help him sleep. After all, it is very hard for him to sleep well..." After watching Yunke, Ye Zhizou saw that her eyes were full of soft expectations, but also a hint of shame.

Ye Zhizhou's eyes widened. Shame?! No, the protagonist already likes Yunke? So fast? This is not the same as the information said! Shouldn't this just be gratitude and worship?

[The system has not recovered yet, the information may be missing, and the plot is a subject in actual development. ]

... system, you're shameless.

Wait, insomnia? Ye Zhizhou accurately caught the protagonist's plot point. There is indeed such a piece of content in the data. After the female protagonist came to the villa, she found that Yunke had been suffering from insomnia. It had no cure, and so she spent a lot of time to prepare a kind of flower tea for soothing the nerves. In the past, she just hoped that this tea could relieve a little of his symptoms. Originally it was just small concern, but she didn't expect this tea effect to be particularly good. Yunke slept well on the day he drank it. The woman was very happy when she saw it, and she began to give him a flower tea every day. Even when she had a high fever and she could hardly get out of bed, she still prepared it.

For a person with long-term insomnia, the attractiveness of a good night's sleep is huge. Coupled with the concern of the female protagonist, the heart-hardened Yunke was gradually softened by the female protagonist, quietly moving the heart...

Ye Zhizhou's mission radar quickly turned on and looked down at the tea tray in the hands of the woman's hand. Is this thing...

Bai Li saw that he didn't refute her words. He only stared at the tea tray in her hand and explained, "This is what I said about the Anshen tea. It was only in the middle of the night before I got it." After that smiling at Yunke, "Big Brother Yun, I will help you bring the tea to..."

Sure enough, that is the flower tea!

- absolutely, right, can't let Yunke drink!

"Wait." He quickly interrupted Bai Li's words and looked at her seriously: "Hasn't Sister Lili lost her memory? How can she make tea? Is she recovering her memories?"

Bai Li was doubted by him. Seeing Yun Ke's eyes looking at her, she shook her head and said: "No, I still can't remember anything. As for the preparation of the tea... I think I see these things. ......"

"Then it is even more difficult for Big Brother Yun to drink this." He shook his head and looked at Bai Li with disapproval. He said, "Sister Lily, I know that you are kind, but after all, this is something that needs to be imported, or you might hurt Yun Brother."

"No, I am not..." Bai Li was a little anxious. She looked at Yunke and said in a hurry: "Of course, I will not harm you, this flower tea I have drunk myself, I felt that there was no problem before I come to..."

"What, have you already drunk?" Ye Zhizhou was surprised and wide-eyed, and asked exaggeratedly, "Did you actually give Big Brother Yun your leftovers?"

"No, I just dropped a little on my tongue and tasted it..."

"Can you confirm that this tea has no problem after just a taste? How can you be so careless and biased!"

"No, I am not... Xiao Yang!" Bai Li was irritated by his frequent interruptions and couldn't help but scream.

Ye Zhizhou decisively shut his mouth and looked up at Yunke. He has some grievances in his eyes. "Yun Brother, don't blame me, I am just worried about you. The teacher said in class today that unknown products of unknown origin cannot be eaten. ""

What he carefully prepared was a criticized  " products of unknown origin", and Bai Li almost fainted. She took a deep breath and swallowed her anger. She adjusted her expression and tried to say softly: "Xiao Yang, I know you blame me for not tutoring you in English, but you can't make fun of Yun Brother's insomnia because of anger, you don't understand. Insomnia is very difficult, I..."

"I didn't blame you." Ye Zhizhou looked at her sideways and looked puzzled. "It was just a joke to learn English. Sister Lili, did you take it seriously? You lost your memory, even if you wanted to, I wouldn't have dared. What if the grammar is all wrong?"

Bai Li felt that she was about to blow up. This damn little fatty has taken the wrong medicine today, why did he target her every time! If it wasn't for the good impression that she wanted to make in front of Brother Yun, she wouldn't, wouldn't she be so polite to a hateful fatty!

" Big Brother Yun..." She bit her lip and smiled awkwardly. She was bullied by Du Yang but he didn't care about it. She said lowly: "Xiao Yang is a child who likes has a temper. This tea is my gift for you... ..."

"Xiao Yang is never angered." Yunke, who had been silently listening to their communication, finally opened his mouth, but what he said to Bai Li was colder than ice. "I'm asking Miss Bai to not casually inquire information about the family host in the future. I appreciate your feeling for the tea." He said then no longer looked at her, turned around and walked toward the stairs.

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