1.2 Overbearing Brother-in-Law Fell in Love with Me

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"What do you have in your hand?" Yunke saw that he did not answer, frowned, and took a step forward.

Ye Zhizhou quickly regained his senses. By putting his knees down and standing up, he put the vanity mirror into the pocket on the side of the bag. He recalled the original character's character settings, and looked down with a timid and introverted look. He whispered back: "Nothing... Brother Yun, have you eaten yet?"

Yunke did not soften his expression because of his response, but the tone became colder and colder. "Look up when you talk."

Ye Zhizhou listened to his words and looked at the man that gazed at him with dissatisfaction.


How do you do, care about eating or not eating, are you dissatisfied?

After a short glare, he bowed his head and avoided the sight of the man. He quickly rummaged through the information he had read and the original memory he received. Then he spent three seconds wondering why Yunke was dissatisfied. In his heart, he silently pointed the middle finger.

Interacting with this Yunke that is not dissatisfied with the greeting he just performed but is dissatisfied with the whole person of Duyang!

The information given to Duyang's identity is "the Yun family friend's adopted son," and from the memory of the original master, Duyang's identity as "family friend's son" is not so simple, he is Yunke's little nephew! Yes, Yunke had a wife before the arrival of the protagonist! Only that wife was very unlucky and died on the wedding day. Well, died in a car accident in order to save Yunke.

Wedding funeral, it is a human tragedy.

And this unlucky wife is Du Yang's sister, Du Fu.

Du Fu died, leaving Du's huge family business unmanned. At that time, Duyang was still young. The Du family had only died a few years ago. Only that Yun Ke was unable to do so. He \ could only take over the Du family as Du Fu's spouse and prepare to wait for Du Yang to grow into a qualified heir, after that, he will hand the family business to him. However, in his childhood, he lost his mother and father, and Du Yang, who had witnessed his sister's tragic death in adolescence, was also stunned by Yun Ke on a timid and weak road. Obviously, the timid and introverted appearance of Ye Zhizhou has succeeded in poking the nerves of Yun Ke's sensitive "cultivating excellent heirs" nerve.

Ye Zhizhou wanted to sigh again.

Yun Ke saw him look up and looked at himself and then quickly avoided his sight. His face became darker and his tone was cold that he was almost got frostbite. "I told you to look up and talk."

His temper is really bad.

In order to avoid being killed by cold air by one of the male leads, Ye Zhizhou did not dare to continue to "lean introverted" this time.

He looked up again and did not evade the gaze of Yun Ke.

Then, Yunke frowned at the sight of his straight hook. "Are you dissatisfied with me?"


He is clearly an arrogant and confident coexistence, male lead, are you blind?

Ye Zhizhou couldn't help but glance at him.

 The usual eyes bursting with fearful emotions were rare and full of vitality, bright and shiny, and no longer dodging. Yunke had made some misconceptions. A certain person suspected that he was wrong. He couldn't help but look into the depths of his eyes. He saw that the eyes suddenly and quickly smashed, and then closed tightly, and were covered by a fat hand.

... Was the dynamism just an illusion? Yunke thought this way, although his heart was still full of dissatisfaction regarding the character of the boy, yet his face finally eased, and the tone that was rarely heard had with a touch of warmth. "What?"

"There's sand in my eyes." Ye Zhizhou, who was suddenly attacked by the sand, put down his hand and lowered his head to erase the physiological tears flowing out of his eyes. He lamented his unfortunate feelings in his heart.

Because of height and position, when Ye Zhizhou bowed his head, Yunke could only see his hairpin, a small one, lined with black and soft hair, which was a bit cute. He was stunned by the strange thoughts that suddenly rose in his heart. He renewed his face and whispered a sentence, "Enter the house to eat." Then he turned and walked towards the villa door.

Ye Zhizhou, who was full of brains, was busy gathering his thoughts.

Bai Li, the female protagonist who had been silent for a long time, seemed to have suddenly come back to life, carrying a small bag with flowers she went to Ye Zhizhou, watching him gently, easing her voice and calming down: "Xiao Yang, you don't be afraid, Big Brother just has the temper, he doesn't dislike you. Yes, you said that you like tulips yesterday. When I went out in the afternoon, I bought some flowers and planted them on the balcony of your room. Is this good? You can see the flowers you like directly by pushing open the window."

Ye Zhizhou heard those words and looked at the woman's beautiful face and eyes. His heartstrings quickly tightened and he entered the task mode.  The unique skills of the protagonist who is fascinated by the male lead - the gentle and easy-going radiance that is emitted anytime and anywhere, healing power MAX.

He turned his head and looked at the gate. Suddenly, Yun Ke's footsteps were heard at the door. The alarm bells rang loudly. He hurried pulling the distance between the female protagonist and him, shaking his head. "No, I don't like tulips. You got it wrong."

The female protagonist was a little embarrassed by his reaction. "But didn't you say yesterday..."

"I just said that I didn't hate tulips. I liked cactuses because I can feed them better than these delicate flowers." he stopped talking to the protagonist and took a few steps towards Yunke. Pulling his sleeves and squatting in the direction of the dining room, trying to pull him out of the glamour range of the woman, while squatting: "Yun Brother, my stomach is hungry, hurry up, let's go eat "

Yun Ke usually never let anyone touch his body – so he became somewhat displeased at the youth's actions. His thoughts on Bai Li were thrown to the back of his mind in a flash; and all he wanted to do was get rid of the other person's hand on his body – unaware that his heart had already been swayed by the boy's illusion-like, energetic eyes.

They're really beautiful, bright and agile, and people don't want to look at them.

Yun Ke looked down to see a white fat palm grasping at his sleeve and the back of the confused youth's head. Compromising, he gently removed the hand on his arm.

Yes, he will follow him once today.

Bai Li, who was left alone, looked at the backs of the two men who disappeared behind the door. She couldn't help but lick her exquisite lips, her heart flashing a little unpleasantly.

What happened? Normally, with just a few casual words of care, the young fatty would always eagerly come over. Why did he ignore her today? Was it really because he didn't like tulips? What a hateful child – if he didn't like it, he could have just said so yesterday. Ah, making her lose face in front of big brother Yun.

It was only when sitting in the brightly lit dining room that Ye Zhizhou really saw the appearance of Yunke. Slanting, sly eyebrows, slightly upturned, sharp eyes, straight nose, sexy thin lips, plus the dead face! How perfect is a cold and absurdly beautiful face, it's just like an aloof fairy.

Looking at each other and thinking about each other's thoughts. Ye Zhizhou has a deep understanding of the eccentricity of the world.

"What are you looking at?"

"Looking at your handsomeness."

The movement of Yunke's chopsticks was awkward, and Ye Zhizhou's brain was also stuck.

He was finished, he screwed up.

The atmosphere on the table suddenly became dull. For a long time, when Ye Zhizhou thought that the conversation was just an illusion, Yunke's indifferent voice suddenly sounded. "You will be very handsome in the future."

Ye Zhizhou looked down at his white fat hands and rounded stomach, expressing his doubts with silence.

"Du family has no ugly people."

"..." So the original owner is a genetic mutation?

"There are also no fat people."

"..." Instead of saying useless things you shouldn't talk at all.

"When you grow taller, you will naturally lose weight."

"...bearing your words." He deeply realized that Yun Ke was not dissatisfied with the original owner. On the contrary, he was too confident in the original owner. After growing up, I'll lose weight? The original owner is now seventeen years old, with a height of 175 and a weight of 85 kg! How can you draw this height? How high will it take to become thin and handsome?

"You're welcome. Show me the transcripts of the midterm exam after dinner."


After the weight topic, the only two people at the dinner table were quiet. Chef Wang's food was great, and Ye Zhizhou, who has been filling his stomach with nutrients and calories, was very satisfied.

Until after drinking the milk after the meal, Ye Zhizhou discovered that the woman was not at the table. Curiously asked: "What about Lili? Does she not eat with us?" From the information given by the system, Yunke was very good to Bai Li. Although she hired the other person to be his gardener, he never used her as a maid. She always had dinner at the same table with him.

Yun Ke, who was preparing to leave the study room, sat down again and looked up and down at him with a blank expression.

Ye Zhizhou was a little nervous about being examined, he couldn't help but shrink back and ask, "What's wrong? Is my face sticky?"

Yunke frowned and his face darkened.

Ye Zhizhou actually understood the reason for his black face, and quickly sat down with his cold eyes, as if the person who had just shrunk back was not the same as him - needless to say, the other side's  "cultivating the heir" nerve is itchy.

Yunke really eased his expression. He folded his legs and relaxed his body against the back of the chair. He felt that the teenager who suddenly was not afraid of him was very interesting. He asked softly: "Do you like Miss Bai?"

Miss Bai? Such an unfamiliar way of calling? Ye Zhizhou was puzzled in his heart, but his face was inexpressive. He shook his head and said: "No, I don't like her." He is not competing with the two male leads, the "gentle and kind" woman who wants to step on two boats. He couldn't like it.

Yun Ke's face showed a thoughtful look, and said slowly: "I thought you liked her very much."

"Not at all." Perhaps the original liked it, but unfortunately, the original is no longer here.

"I understand." Yunke nodded, got up and arranged his clothes, his tone returned to indifference. "Come with me to the study room, bring your mid-term transcripts and papers."

What do you understand? Ye Zhizhou couldn't keep up with his thoughts. He took the bag on the stool and went after him. Even though he walked at a relatively fast pace, he barely managed to catch up to the man. Ye Zhizhou didn't have any time to speak before he moved to stand in the corner of the living room. Whilst leaning on the wall, he saw Bai Li come in with a tea tray.

With very red eyes, she stared at Du Yang – looking as if he had broken her heart. Sadness and vulnerability were all clearly evident on her face, and she spoke as if she was about to burst into tears. "Xiao Yang, I didn't expect that you hated me...... What did I do wrong?"

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