Young Rodger Gets Some MILF Pussy

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I was a senior in high school and as I was nearing graduation my parents became concerned about my lack of vocational goals. I had applied and had been accepted at the same state university that most of my friends from high school had. However, I had no idea of what I wanted to major in other than getting as much pussy as possible. Of course I couldn’t exactly tell my parents that pussy was what I wanted to major in.

As March came my parents started having talks with me about my lack of goals and any specific course of study I wanted to pursue at college. My mom and dad sat me down on Spring Break and had a long talk with me. My dad did most of the talking.

Look son if you go to college when you aren’t ready, and you end up dropping out because of bad grades or lack of motivation you aren’t going to get a do over as we aren’t wealthy like most of your friend’s parents are. The absolute worst thing you could do is go to college for a couple of years and then drop out as you will be stuck with student loans to repay. Me and you mom have decided we would like for you to work for your Uncle Brian this summer and see if you might want to pursue some sort of trade before you start college.

My Uncle Brian was my mom’s brother and had his own Heating and Air contracting business specializing in residential and small commercial clients. I liked my Uncle Brian growing up, but the reason he needed a new assistant was that he had been going through an early midlife crisis for a few years. It started when he turned thirty five and now at thirty eight it still showed no sings of abating. Up until that time he had been a really straight arrow he married young at eighteen, had his first daughter at nineteen and his second one at twenty one. One of his daughters was a year ahead of me and the other was a year behind me in school. Anyway at about the time he had turned 35 it was like a switch flipped in his head as he began drinking heavily and having numerous extra martial affairs.

Of course this caused a lot of friction in his family life. I knew his two daughters Cindy and Carla were constantly pissed off at him for one thing or another. His last assistant quit on him after Brian quit showing up on most Monday mornings because he was hung over leaving his assistant to sit around and twiddle his thumbs. So I was a little apprehensive about working for my Uncle, but even with all of that it still beat the hell out of a fast food job.

I fondly recall having a sit down with Uncle Brian on the Saturday before I was begin to working for him on a Monday. He called me and told me he wanted me to come over to the office and talk to him about what he expected out of me this summer.

Look Rodger I am going to be honest with you. Your parents and the rest of the family wanted me to take you on as an assistant this summer and then perhaps an apprentice if you decide this is what you want to do for a living.

Now I have no doubt they are sincere in their concern for your future, but at least part of the reason they want this arrangement is so you can keep an eye on me. Now I am sure they don’t expect official reports, but I do expect that you will get a lot of questions like what did you and your uncle Brian do today?

I just nodded my head in agreement as apparently this was something that worried him and to be honest he was probably right.

He said “your 18 and you just graduated from high school, but in the working world you are a man ready or not.”

He went on to explain to me what he expected out of me.

My one rule is that you don’t talk to anyone else about what I do in my personal life on or off the job especially my daughters. They already think I am a big enough fuck up. If somebody from the family asks you what we did just give them a routine we worked on this unit or that unit and nothing more. Now if you can honor my one request I think you will find working for me rewarding in ways you might not expect and you might eventually find the heating and air trade even more attractive to you than chasing pussy at college for the next four to five years of you life.

Then he laughed.

I replied “I understand the importance of keeping work life and family life separate and I am grateful for the opportunity to work for you this summer so I have no problem with your rule.”

For the first couple of weeks work was uneventful. Brian just took me out on jobs and showed me some of the basics like how to remove unit covers, how to replenish freon and how to replace motors and belts. I was beginning to think it was going to be a good summer job, but nothing that really got my blood flowing or that made me think I might want to do this routine type of work for the rest of my life.

Then one day right after lunch Brian was sitting in his office and he answered the phone as I was gathering parts so I couldn’t hear what was said, but when hung up the phone he called out to me.

milf in action:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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