🔪☁️Sesshomaru x Female Tanuki Hanyō Reader☁️🔪

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Warning: Violence, cannon things being changed a little, I promise it turns into a fluff-

She remembered the island. She remembered those "gods" that took her friends and family from her. She remembered him as if it had happened yesterday. However, it had been over ten years since that happened, since they were saved and given freedom by Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, and unknowingly, Sesshomaru. She knelt by the river, she was searching for something, something she held dear. Her ears perked up when her eyes landed on a familiar pink, She got up going into the river and gently picking up the pink object, a lotus flower. You see, she wasn't directly saved by Lady Kagome and her group unlike the others, she had gotten separated from them and ended up being found by Kyōra, the war god. she thought she was dead, but a blessing came just in time.

"Aww, look at you. Ears pinned, tail tucked, trembling. To think your father was a proud tanuki capable of all forms of trickery. He must be rolling in his grave with embarrassment seeing you now." Kyōra said before letting out a cold giggle.

"You know, your friends are going to be killed anyway, so why not just give yourself up? You can't compare to us, we are your gods." He spoke with amusement. Her eyes scanned the area, he had her pinned. A soft lime-colored light flickering caught her eye however, it danced around the leaves on the trees around us.

'Nature is your best friend, remember that (Name).' Her father's voice spoke making her eyes widen. She looked back at the demon who called himself a god.

'I can't let them die.' She thought as she remembered my friends, they were the only family she had left. The lime-colored light grabbed into one of the leaves before fluttering close to her gaining the demon's attention.

"You're no god." She spoke before grabbing the leaf, holding it between her pointer finger and middle finger.

"And I won't let you win this!" She then crushed the leaf in the palm of her hand, there was a large puff of smoke taking Kyōra aback for a moment. His comrades said she couldn't use her tanuki powers. Were they wrong? Suddenly, a very small creature rushed past him, a tanuki pup.

"Oh no, you don't!" He summoned a few phoenixes and ordered them to go after her. She ran, dodged, jumped, climbed blindly, running wherever she could just survive. Little did she know, the phoenixes were actually corraling her to the last place she wanted to be, the cauldron. Her small paws dug in the ground as she skidded just to stop herself, heart racing as she began to panic. Suddenly, a very familiar laugh roared through the cave.

"You really thought you could run? Are you really that dull??" Suddenly she was picked up and thrown against the cauldron harshly, breaking her spell and making her go back to her normal form. She hit the ground hard as she cried out in pain.

"If you gave in, you would have gotten a fast, painless death. But now? Oh no no, you'll suffer now." He waved his hand, then some phoenixes rushed forward. She could only close her eyes and wait for the worst to happen. However, when a crack and snap sound followed by tormented screeches rang through the cave, she opened her eyes to see a very tall figure standing before her. A golden light came from his claws, it formed into a whip that killed the flames before retracting as he let his arm fall and relax. From what the smalled tanuki could see, he had long silver hair, had two weapons on his hip, wore armor, but what really caught her eyes was his outfit, white and red with lotus flower symbols on it.

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