why have you kept long 2

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I looked at the two soldier men that was in front of me I glanced at Nora and she got her from the sofa and came closer. They handed over two white envelope. I felt happy knowing Daniel has written me a letter couldn't wait to read it. Nora tears started to drop as her eyes went through the letter I knew it was tears of happiness knowing her husband will be back soon. I closed the door and walk back to the hall I couldn't wait to read the letter but first I need a cool Water to calm my happiness. Nora fell right in front of me screaming as if someone has died. I rushed to the sofa to see what was in her letter that's making her behave that way.
"I'm sorry my love for not making it alive to see our baby grow. I never imagine I'll be writing this letter to you but look at me now apologizing for my death. I wasn't strong enough to fight for us, I wasn't strong enough to leave for us, I wasn't strong enough to come back to you. But  remember I will always love you. your expenses will be taking care of by the government's stay blessed love you always Matthias Laura&&&&*."
I place my hands on my head wondering what my holds I slowly took the envelope from the sofa as my heart beat heavily I opened it not even imagine the bomb it holds.
"Ciara, I promised you so many times I was going to return alive but didn't happen that way I did fight a lot I did my possible best to come back so we make babies as promised but I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. please stay happy as you always did don't let my death bring you sorrow. I never imagine writing this to you but that's what has happened. I was strong enough to fight but death came, I wasn't strong enough to live for us, I wasn't strong enough to come back to you but remember Daniel Charles will always love you Ciara Charles take care of yourself and please don't forget us. I bet they have taken today but they can never have yesterday. The government will take care of your expenses don't worry at all my soul is at peace noing you will be find. love you from Daniel Charles😘😘😘." My tears drop like a river madness was taking all over my body I couldn't think straight I have waited for months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and today this is what I got as a reward. my husband is dead never will I see him again I never knew my fear will become a reality. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant I wanted to surprise him when he returns but he rather he surprised me with his death.  why, why Daniel why didn't you just keep common promise. You have left me in darkness with an innocent baby what am I going to do, who am I going to turn to, what am I going to do with my life. Ciara's life is really a mess. I have lost both my parents I found happiness thinking I was having you, but you also left me what a shame life is horrible for Ciara Charles and Nora laura.

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