Chapter Three

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James wasn't sure how long it had been since he stopped breathing, but his light-headedness almost certainly indicated that it had been a while.

It felt like the world had stopped moving around him while he stood rooted to the spot, his fingers digging into the smooth cotton of his fresh pair of boxer shorts.

What was going on here?

These two were both married, yet they were, both topless, out in broad daylight, with Spencer's v-line ending right where Steve's bulge began.

James swallowed hard. Words were failing him.

"Get off me, you dick!" Spence was the first to break the silence. The taller dark-haired farmer brought his knee up, and Steve bucked forwards. The more-solid tradie landed awkwardly, dragging the crotch of his board shorts up over Spencer's screwed up face. There came an audible sound of disgust from Spence before he grabbed a meaty leg and shoved the more muscular guy off him sideways.

Steve landed in the sandy dirt. He was howling with laughter even as Spence left him there in his heap, stepping over him and taking several quick strides across the campsite with his right hand extended.

"Hey man, it's been a while," he sounded surprised, but not in any way self-conscious as he looked directly at James and smiled.

'Breath,' the command issued within James's mind, and he very slowly forced his lungs open. He reached out tentatively and smiled back, breathing as deeply as he could consciously do without making a show of it.

Had he misread the situation?


But if this was how these two guys carried on, James was going to have a hard time of it this weekend. Not that that was out of the ordinary for him. Straight guys were always very touchy with one another.

Yes. He had definitely misread the situation.

Maybe. Hopefully.


James swallowed again and nodded by way of acknowledgment.

The smile on Spencer's face was calm and a little amused. James remembered that nerves were a perfectly reasonable reaction right now. Even if he hadn't just mistaken these two for doing something, what? Indecent?

James released Spencer's hand and promptly balled his fists unconsciously.

"Yeah, like a whole six months." Steve unceremoniously shoved Spence aside and took his turn at shaking James' hand, which was made all the more awkward by James' balled fists.

As James remembered, Steve wasn't quite as tall as Spence but was a lot closer to James' own height than he recalled. He was even broader than he had been six months ago, with thicker shoulders, arms, chest, and the rest. His face was a bit fuller than Spencer's, too. Perhaps not quite as angular, Steve had a broader jawline and full inviting lips.

Steve pushed his hair back with his free hand and grinned at James like he knew more than James would ever admit. It was like he knew James was taking in every aspect of his good looks.

Maybe Steve was just like this with everyone, though?

Both handshakes had been firm and jovial, though Steve's lingered a little longer than James felt an uncomfortable shiver run up his spine.

He couldn't get caught out this weekend. He had to play this off quickly.

James was about to say something - anything - when Steve's intense gaze suddenly dropped to the boxer briefs hanging from James free hand. Suddenly they were back to James' line of sight, and the muscular guy raised both eyebrows and then winked at him.

Triangles of all Shapes and Sizes (Book One - ManXMan ManxManxWoman)Where stories live. Discover now